2 | our universe was brought to life - part ii

Start from the beginning

Hermione snorted. "Bribery seems more fitting," she said, but grabbed the delectable sweets nonetheless. "Just this once, Peter."

"You're the best sister ever," Peter said with a brilliant grin, pulling her close to give her a warm hug. In spite of herself, Hermione's lips quirked into a small smile. It really wasn't hard to become fond of this boy when he'd been kind and warm to her since she was young.

Peter then jumped down from her bed and clutched his skateboard once more. "I'll be playing outside if Mum asks for me," he said.

"Be careful."

He waved his hand in goodbye and strode out from her room.

Hermione sighed and collected her bushy hair to attempt a pony tail. She glanced at her reflection and made a face, knowing her hair would rebel soon and spring out from her elastic band. Funnily enough, even in this lifetime, her stubborn hair had followed her with fierce determination.

Sighing once more, Hermione slid down from her bed and walked out of her bedroom. She halted midway when she saw that Peter was still there. "Why are you—"

He turned around, grave-faced and pressed a finger against his lips. Hermione clammed up and peered over his shoulders, flinching when she heard an unmistakable slap. She swallowed down a gasp when Timothy roared another thunderous tirade and glanced down her feet to block whatever was going to happen next. At the same time, she noticed Peter's tightly clenched fists. She wouldn't be surprised if half-moon marks had appeared on his palm.

Hermione reached forward and brushed her fingers along his knuckles until the tension escaped his hands and he started to relax.

When another resounding slap rang in their home, Hermione's eyes prickled with tears and she really tried her hardest to steel herself in place. She wanted to help her mother, even after all these years, but all her attempts only made Timothy hurt her mother more. Hermione's temper always flared up when she saw another bruise on her mother, and Peter had to calm her down so that she wouldn't interfere and make everything worse.

At times like these, Hermione longed for a wand just so she could hex Timothy raw for hurting the woman who did nothing but love and understand him.

A piercing scream echoed in their home and Hermione's blood ran cold. Paling in horror, she glanced towards her parents once more and gasped at the pool of blood dripping down from Anya's arm after Timothy slashed a shard of beer glass against her.

Everything stilled by then. Even Hermione didn't dare breath, too afraid of disturbing the deathly silence.

And then, Peter was suddenly in front of his mother, hands spread apart in a mighty attempt to protect her. His blue eyes were dark and tumultuous like a raging storm and Hermione stared. She hadn't seen that expression on his face before. Peter was always quiet and kind, and didn't really stand up too much against his bullies. But the Peter in front of her was almost like a giant, ready to do whatever it took to protect their mother from the despicable monster.

"Stop hurting her," were his mere words, but his voice was steady and commanding. Hermione felt the hairs on her arms prickle at his ferocity.

Timothy's eyes, black and dark like how his soul had always been, grew thunderous. He lifted his hand and smacked Peter across his face with so much force that her brother toppled on the ground. Anya screamed and begged to spare her son, to hit me, hit me instead, hit me please, and Hermione still stood frozen on the spot.

Then, blinding rage bloomed in her heart as she watched the two people she loved the most get harassed by this man she had never seen as her father. 'No, no, no,' she chanted repeatedly in her head.

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