Chapter 8- Patching Up

Start from the beginning

For ages, people of all shapes and sizes funnel out of the building, ranting about the game they just saw.

"Damn! What a great fucking game!"

"Can you believe it?! Fucking 22-21 with a buzzer-beater by number 23!"

"Jackson, number 23, that kid's going places!"

"That kid alone got like half of all the points we scored!"

For some reason, my heart swells with pride upon hearing about Sean's success. I also feel a little sad I wasn't there to witness it, but I suppose that couldn't be helped.

I sit there with Toby for another half-hour, casually chit-chatting, not wanting to go home.

"Fuck, Ben! Tonight was awesome!" Sean's energetic voice precedes his body as he walks out of the school, gym bag flung over his shoulder.

"I can't believe you made that final three-fucking-pointer at the end! I swear, Dude, that shot would've impressed MJ!" Ben responds.

He doesn't notice me at first but some divine source gave him the urge to look over in my direction.

"HOLY FUCK!" Sean races towards me faster than he moved during the game. "What the fuck happened to you, Luke?! You look like shit!"

"That's what I said!" Toby exclaims. Everyone just stares at him, causing his face to flush in embarrassment. 

"Uh, sorry. I'mma... I'mma just go now." He stutters as he awkwardly walks backward. "Feel better, Luke."

"Uh, Sean? Do you know this guy?" Ben chimes in from behind Sean. 

"Oh, right." Sean smiles as he runs his fingers through his hair. "Ben, meet Luke my tutor. Luke, meet my best friend, Ben."

My heart stings a bit at being referred to as the tutor. "Hi..."

"Ah, so this is the famous Rabbit I've been hearing about! Nice, to meet ya, kid." Ben chuckles.

"I'm literally three months older than you."

He just shrugs.

"Hey, Ben? I say this with all the love in the world, but could you kindly fuck off?" Sean half-laughs. "Rabbit's hurt and I gotta take him home."

"Sure, dude. I'll see ya tomorrow." He says before walking into the night.

"I have a car. I can drive myself home."

Sean chuckles before readjusting his bag. "In this state, I'd be surprised if you could even stand."

I don't make eye contact. We both know he's right.

He kneels down, looking at me intensely with those beautiful blue eyes. "Seriously, Luke. What happened? One minute, you're smiling in the stands, the next you've disappeared, only to be found beaten and bloody outside!"

I look away, not wanting him to know why I'd left the game in the first place.

He wasn't having it. He used his hand to gently guide my chin so that I'd be forced to look at him. "Please, Rabbit. I just want to help you." His soothing voice magically makes all my pain disappear in an instant. He's so close... "Who did this to you?"

"You... You know who..." I whisper so quietly I'm surprised he heard me.

A low growl resonates in Sean, partially scaring me and partially making the wicked tingles come back. "It was fucking Geoff, wasn't it."

I don't respond, but Sean takes my silence as an affirmation. "I fucking thought so. Listen, Rabbit, I am so fucking sorry this happened to you. I invited you here thinking it'd help to repay you for helping me out so much, and here you are getting beaten to a pulp. I'm so sorry, Luke."

He looks so sad. It takes everything in me to stop myself from kissing him. Instead, I give him a  half-hearted smile. "It's not your fault, Sean. I promise it's not your fault."

He returns my smile, guilt still written across his face. "Still, I can at least make it up to you by driving you home. Lord knows you can't do it yourself."

Hesitantly, I nod. He's right. I'd never be able to drive in my condition, at least not safely.

Sean's signature smile returns upon my affirmation. Before I know it, he's scooped me out of the chair and is carrying me. I yelp and instinctively wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. Sean chuckles as he wraps a protective arm around my body, using the other to keep his bag in place. 

"Calm down, Rabbit. I ain't gonna hurt ya." He says as he walks into the poorly-lit parking lot. "Where's this car of yours?"

I point to my car at the back of the lot. I silently thank myself for parking so far away, as it lets me spend more time in Sean's arms.

I hand Sean my keys so he can open the car for us. He gently sets me down onto the passenger seat before tossing his bag in the back and assuming his position as driver.

The car ride was pretty quiet, only being interrupted by me giving the directions to my house. It was quiet, but it was a comfortable silence.

Sean smoothly parks the car in the driveway before turning to me. ''Do you want me to carry you inside?"

"NO!" I say, far louder than I meant to. It's just that if my father caught this stud-bucket carrying me to my room, that'd lead to far more questions than I'm currently ready to answer. "Uh, I mean, no. It's ok, I'm feeling a little better. Thanks for everything, though. I mean, the ticket, driving me home, even paying for all my food! It's far more than I deserve."

"You gotta give yourself more credit, Rabbit. You deserve the world."

I blush as we exit the car, Sean grabbing his bag and me pretending every step isn't agony. I trudge up to the door before a thought pops into my head. I spin around to face Sean.

"Wait, how are you gonna get home?"

He laughs. "My car is back at the school. I'm just gonna walk back. Have a good night, Rabbit!" His voice leaves no room for argument. As much as I'd like to protest him having to walk so far just because of me, he'd never give in.

So, with a wave, I watch as Sean disappears into the night.



So, funny story, these last two chapters were originally one chapter. It got so long that I needed to break it up!

Also, I just realized something. Luke's favorite color is blue and Sean's eyes are blue? And how Sean's favorite color is green and Luke's eyes are green? I'd really love to say that I planned that, but then I'd be a big fat liar! I guess these boys really were made for each other...

Anyway, I'm beyond tired so I'mma go to bed. Hope you guys enjoy the double upload!

See y'all later!

PS- I'm not from the south, I'm from the southwest. I have no idea why I say "y'all". I've just done it since the beginning of Alone and it's now kinda my thing! 

I'm a weirdo! 

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