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description: Cas wants to start a florist shop but doesn't know how to start. Dean gives him the first step: buying him flowers.

note: day twenty-one of my thirty day writing challenge! Also, this is an AU.

words: 1,190

Cas had always dreamed of owning a florist shop. Everyday he put every single penny and change that he found into a jar to go into his savings. Dean helped him too.

Eventually, when Cas filled the jar with coins, he didn't know what to do afterwards. He didn't know who to talk to, how to start, where to start even remotely. Saddened, Cas spent weeks just giving up. His dream of owning that type of shop would never come true. He would eye the jar, with the words written across it in black, saying "ANGELIC FLOWERS". That was the name he was going to call his shop, yet he just never found the opportunity. The man was disappointed in himself for not trying his hardest in his business.

Dean looked at Cas everyday and he knew that he had only one thing on his mind: the shop. They had been married for three years; four in September. Ever since they started dating years ago, Cas babbled on about his dream. Dean told him to just go with it, to go and never let anybody back him down. He gave his husband the idea for the jar, to keep his mindset clear and focused. The blue-eyed man was focused, he did have his mind clear, yet it was just extortionate. Owning a shop, working there for hours everyday, giving people smiles, making their day, would make Castiel the most exorbitantly happy in the longest time.

Don't get him wrong, getting married to the love of his life was the best thing to ever happen to him. Yet he always just wanted more. He wanted that shop. He adored flowers and knew the meanings of the different roses and the scientific names of the plants. Dean was always so tantalized, seeing how factually talented his husband of almost four years. Becoming a Winchester, to Cas, was the crème de la crème of marriage. His family always derided him for being gay, for loving flowers. They made fun of him for being effeminate, however he wasn't really. Being a Novak constantly reminded him of his past family. The man practically ran away from them at age eighteen. 

He met his future husband when he was twenty-two, at a flower shop. Cas was buying flowers for his vase that he had just recently gotten, and Dean was buying flowers for his now ex-girlfriend, Lisa. Both of them looked at each other and their jaws almost completely dropped to the floor. Cas was openly gay, yet Dean was a closeted bisexual. Every week, Dean would go to the flower shop, attempting to see if the man was there. He would make excuses to his at the time girlfriend, purchasing flowers for her, acting like he didn't just fall in love at sight. Cas was fearful to go back, however. The owner of the shop laughed at him for buying flowers for himself, being the same way Cas' family was. They didn't see each other for a month, until Cas knew that owner wasn't there. Dean just-so-happened to have come the same day, and the man got the courage to go and talk to him. Love at first sight, just as Dean had thought. They talked quite often and Lisa got skeptical, wondering why Dean was going out with that guy so much. The men never got together, until Dean broke it off with Lisa, telling him he was in love with somebody else. It was the best decision the both of them ever made. The flower shop was forever a piece of Castiel's heart. Cas told him when they started dating that it was a dream of his, and Dean told him he should pursue in it. His boyfriend would blush and say it was simply only a dream, but Dean insisted.

But now, Cas was sitting down on their couch, his feet hard against the wooden floor, staring at the blank, black screen of the television. He thought about his marriage, and how that was going completely smoothly and he couldn't ask for a better husband. However, just staring at the glass jar that was on top of their bookshelf made him melancholic. He didn't know anybody he could talk to, to try and kickstart his business. 

Looking up from the flat television, he heard fiddling in the door. Straightening his posture and standing up, all while holding his knees first, he looked at the swinging door to see his husband, holding a grocery bag probably filled with junk food, and a bouquet of blue roses in the other.

"Hello, Dean." Cas said, his mood immediately brightening up just from the simple, unclaimed look of his husband.

"Hey, Cas." Dean's ears tinted pink. Dean didn't want him to see the bouquet, however, he did anyways.

"Who are those for?" the man asked, eyeing the roses and tilting his head.

Dean licked his lips and gave Cas a quick peck on his cheek and then his forehead. "Who do you think, angel?"

"Our house." Cas replied blankly, slight questioning in his voice.

Putting the bag on top of the marbled island in their kitchen, Dean turned around and laughed. Cas turned bashful and the apples of his cheeks reddened. "It's for me." the man confirmed.

"Yeah, they're for you." Dean smiled, the tips of his mouth curling into a smirk.

Dean grabbed the bouquet and handed them to Cas, pridefully. Cas realized the meaning of the roses and he promptly blushed, his eyes flickering up to his husband, all while clutching the middle of the bouquet that was surrounded by plastic. He sniffed the flowers and was succumbed by the sweet smell of them.

"I called an accountant for advice on your flower shop. I explained the situation-- and, uh-- yeah."

Smiling immediately, Cas beamed. "You did?"

"Yeah I did."

And so, that was that. The accountant, with the help of a mentor, guided Castiel into making his small business. Months later it succeeded, all while celebrating their four year anniversary. Cas stood there in his shop, waiting for his frequent and possibly new customers to come as well. Sitting on the counter, blue roses in a vase reminded him of his husband. Every week he replaced them. However, it would never replace the love and appreciation he had for and from Dean Winchester.

In his shop, Cas watched as two young adults fell in love in his own flower shop, just as he and his husband did years ago. Time and history repeat themselves, although it could be on accident or done purposely, Cas didn't know.

He sniffed the blue roses and closed his eyes. Thinking about the subjective meaning of the famous flower. It represented something impossible to accomplish, something unattainable that will only remain a dream that can never be realized. However, it was no longer a dream.

It was real.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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