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description: Dean and Cas paint each other.

note: Day eleven of my thirty day writing challenge! By the way, I, for an absolute fact, DID NOT paint those portraits. The best I can paint is probably a sunset and you'd have to squint your eyes to even see it. I'm not sure who painted them but both artists are amazing!

words: 1,684

"Oh my God, Cas." Dean chuckled. "We don't need that much supplies!"

Cas was carrying every single tube of paint that they had at the store, all in his hands, along with what seemed like hundreds of pencils and sketchbooks. "Oh."

"We only need the essentials. Like one sketchbook, two easels, a few pencils, the colors that we're going to use."

The angel nodded, turned around and began to put stuff back. They had decided they were going to test their art skills and paint each other. Both of them, admittedly, had never painted before, honestly. It just was something neither of them had had the time to do. Hunting and being an angel and stuff like that was tough work. It always got in the way of anything that they liked or loved. For example, it took them years to confess their love for one another because hunting was so vast and busy. However, every single second they got mattered with each other. No matter if it was a simple, lazy day together, a hunt, intimate nights, or in this case, going to the store to buy supplies because they were going to paint portraits of one another.

Dean grabbed the colors he was going to use. A tan, three different shades of blue, black, brown, beige, colors like that. Cas, on the other hand, was across the aisle, grabbing his own supplies. There were multiple brands of paint brushes, and he wanted them all. However, he just was told by his hunter boyfriend that he didn't need that many supplies. So, he only got a few. A large one and two smaller ones for himself.

The both of them were getting their own supplies, so it would be easier for them and they wouldn't argue over sharing. It was cliché, and it was like they were four-year-old toddlers, fighting over who's gonna use the colorful paint.

"I am done, Dean." Cas said, smiling. He had finally gotten a basket, filled with his supplies. Holding them, Dean smiled at how just fucking adorable he was.

"Great. I am too." he replied, leaning in to kiss him. The angel kissed him, and then kissed him on the cheek. Another freckle slowly appeared on his face. "Come on."

They went to the check out, and the elderly lady with the name tag 'Harriet' smiled at them. Cas began putting his items on the conveyer belt and Dean did the same. Each item she scanned, it came with a beep and another sum on the total. "How are you two doing?"

"We're doin' good, ma'am. How about you?" Dean replied and asked, getting the appropriate amount of cash out of his wallet. He really needed to stack up on money, because he had to count his cash instead of just giving her whatever. Dean didn't like using his credit card, because it had his fake name on it, 'Ted Nugent', or better known as the lead guitarist of The Amboy Dukes. Not like this kind Harriet woman would most likely know, but if he had cash on him, he used it.

"Great! Your total is $46.75." she said calmly.

Dean had fifty dollars in cash on him, so he handed her two twenties and a ten. She gave him the change with yet another smile, looking at the both of them. Dean and Cas exchanged glances as Cas was grabbing the bags.

"You boys are just the cutest couple I've ever seen." the woman sincerely laughed.

Dean replied with a soft chuckle, "It's that obvious, huh?" she nodded. "Thought so. Thank you, ma'am."

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