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description: Dean and Cas geek over the bunker.

note: Day fourteen of my thirty day writing challenge! Almost half way done!!!

words: 1,305


Finding the bunker was probably the most wonderful thing to happen to Sam, Dean and Cas in their whole life. It was finally a home to them, filled with books and weapons and vehicles that were all to themselves. Sam was interested in the lore of the whole Men of Letter's bunker, Dean was very interested in the weapons, and Cas was interested in the books in their large library.

"Holy shit!" Dean gasped. He was being a little overdramatic, obviously.

"Language, Dean." Sam shook his head, rolling his eyes at his brother while looking around the whole bunker, his duffel bag over his shoulder.

"There's a goddamn katana, Sam. I can cuss if I want to." the eldest hunter deadpanned. "Watch this."

Sam, in horror, watched as Dean picked up the katana, and started screaming, "Fuck you!" every time he swung. Acting like a warrior, and giving his final blow, (gifted with a pathetic kick) he hit a glass cage that had another weapon inside, shattering the glass and knocking over the weapon, breaking that as well.

"Dean, you're so fucking dumb!"

"Who's cussing now, bitch?"


"Guys, please do not conflict." Cas simply said, fear in his voice. Dean looked over to see his boyfriend of four years, about fifteen books stacked in his hands, attempting to carry them all swiftly. It was not swift, and he almost dropped them all.

Thankfully, Dean had managed, using his might reflexes, to put the katana back and run to his boyfriend before he could drop them. Holding half the books Dean quickly kissed his boyfriend on the lips, Cas' ears turning pink. Sam looked over and immediately looked back, rolling his eyes because Dean was holding a stack of books on his side and kissing him passionately.

Also thankfully, Sam cherished their relationship. Yet sometimes it got out of hand. Once, Dean and Cas were flirting tremendously in front of Sam. To start with, it was little things, like 'You're so cute' and 'I love you'. Sam didn't mind. Yet he did start to mind when it got sexual. Sam was eating for god sakes, and they were talking about what they'd be doing if they were alone. However, Sam didn't really mind their happiness, even if it was that nasty shit. For his whole life, Dean was isolated and trapped, and he had internal homophobia rising in him because of their dad. Yet after meeting Cas and after their father's death, it was just poured out. Dean was finally free, and happy, in that matter. Sam loved seeing his older brother just be happy after so many years of just eternal torment and literal hell.

Even though there were still conflicts and problems in their life, it wasn't as much as it was before. Yes, there were enemies. Yes, there were death of close ones. Yet they were through it all. Dean had finally been able to be with somebody he truly loved without fear. It took a while for Dean to officially come out to Sam, however. But, Sam already knew after he met Cas. He just saw the intense stares in each others eyes, them acting like there was nobody else in the room and they were the only important thing in the whole entire world. It was just perfect. Their relationship, perfect. Dean had never believed anything celestial, until Cas came along. They practically jumped on top of each other the moment Cas told him he fell just for him. Physically and literally.

"Look over here, babe." Dean said, placing the books down on the map table. Cas did the same and followed Dean over to the shelves. "Look at this katana!"

"Alright, Dean. Enough with the katana," Sam sighed, Cas tilting his head. "Let's explore the rest of the bunker. Plus, don't get comfy, we don't even know if people live here."

"Well, it sure doesn't look like it, does it, Sammy?" Dean stuck out his lips, smiling.

Removing his grip from the katana, Dean obliged and followed his younger brother, Cas by his side. Going down a hallway, they saw that there was actual rooms. Like Dean had said, it didn't look as if anybody had lived there in a while. There were no cars parked on the outside like their Impala was, and they hadn't met anybody despite them being louder than a bull in a china shop.  Dean and Cas' hands interlaced, walking behind Sam.

Sam looked to his side, opening up each door to see that there was bedrooms. Dean smirked, looking over at Cas who was obviously oblivious to what Dean was thinking at the moment. They reached the end of the hallway, and not quite to their demise, another hallway that had two sides. Sam decided to go left, while Dean and Cas went right. Still holding each others hands, they explored the right part of the bunker.

"So, uh... didja see those rooms?" Dean looked over, itching his chin with his thumb. "The beds looked pretty big and comfy."

"Yes. Perfect to cuddle with."

Blushing, Dean's ears turned pink. He was, in fact, the biggest sucker for cuddling. Ever. Anytime they got intimate, Dean and Cas would snuggle afterwards, their legs and arms spooning each other, tangled in the blankets and pillows. 

"Well, that too." he smiled.

Dean looked to his left and saw that there was a set of stairs leading down to somewhere. The hunter, curious, let go of Cas' hand to get a head start. Cas immediately followed him, both of their synced footsteps clanging against the metal stairs.

"Holy fuck!" the hunter screamed, his breath hitching and Cas jumping.

To Dean's absolute dream, there were about four, very old, very vintage vehicles, and to the opposite side of them, motorcycles. However, Dean was more interested in the cars, cars that were decades older than his Baby. 


"Babe. I don't care. Look at this shit! This is awesome." His smile was greater than a child discovering a free candy shop.

Hearing a third run of footsteps, Dean looked over to see that Sam had quickly run to see what happened. "Dean, I heard like a child scream. Who else is here?"

"A child? Bitch, that was me." Dean puffed, slightly offended.

"Oh." Sam's lip curled. "Woah!"

Sam looked around at the cars and motorcycles. He wasn't ever as interested in cars as his older brother was, but it was still pretty awesome to see actual old, vintage cars like that.

While Dean was geeking over the luxurious models (Cars, not women. Dean is strictly into dick now.) Sam had left the room as he knew the both of them would be there for a while. Poor Cas having to listen to all the facts that Dean probably had piled up in his head. And Sam called him the nerd. However, instead of listening to Dean rambling on about the age of the wheels, Cas was very interested in the futuristic blue lights that were underneath the motorcycles. Kneeling down, he touched them, the glass obviously hot from the energy.

"This is awesome!" Dean and Cas both said at the same time. They, again, looked at each other at the same time. Dean always said that but it was odd that Cas had.

"Hey!" Again, in sync. Their voices sounded almost exactly the same, yet still distinct from one another.

"You're a nerd." Dean smiled, biting his lip and standing up, no longer were the wheels important anymore.

"You are handsome." Cas replied simply, standing up. The lights weren't of importance at all.

Interlocking their hands together, they kissed in the middle of the garage. It was a soft and important kiss. They were the important things in each others life that would last forever.

And forever meant forever.

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