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description: Sammy passed. Dean is heartbroken.

note: Day seven of my thirty day writing challenge. Also, this is an AU.

words: 1,594

Cancer was a fucking bitch. It was a disease that could spread all throughout the body, taking over. And in this case, that's what happened to Sammy. The cancer first started in his blood, taking and killing his red blood cells. The leukemia was spreading rapidly, and so therefore they had to start chemotherapy immediately, poisoning his body to try to kill the cancer.

But the leukemia spread, and started forming hard, rare tumors. The doctors couldn't explain it, how rapidly it was spreading. Almost as if somebody had cursed him, using a witching spell or a wrathful demon who needed revenge somehow. But those things didn't exist, but Dean had to have had some explanation for it. It wasn't just an accident... it couldn't be. 

The cancer should've taken Dean. Not Sammy. He had a whole life ahead of him. A full ride to Stanford, and he was a senior in it. He was so close. But it just had to be unfair. But Dean? All Dean had was a mechanic shop, managing and directing there. Nobody would've missed him other than Sammy and Castiel. Sammy had so many friends and family members, ones who visited him in the hospital as soon as they could, especially his girlfriend, Jess.

What was funny, is that the only thing Sammy was scared of, was losing his hair. He knew where he was going afterwards, and he kept reassuring Dean that it would be okay. But Dean was not. He would never be okay. Sammy was supposed to die after Dean did. He was supposed to live an apple pie life, as a lawyer, with a wife and kids, having a white picket fence protect his home. Sammy was supposed to live to the fullest. And he spent simply two months in the hospital, giving up. He was diagnosed in May, and it spread so rapidly that they didn't have time. The chemotherapy didn't work; the cancer was already at stage four. The cancerous tumors had already developed, and it would take hours upon hours of surgery to remove. Dean tried everything he could, emptying his pockets with treatment, trying to save his life. If only he could sell his soul for Sammy to live.

Sammy was supposed to be happy. Not sitting on his already known deathbed, laying down around doctors who told him that he had a rare survival chance. Sammy wanted to live, he didn't want anybody he knew to grief, to mourn his tragic death. He suffered, Sammy did. The tumors and the leukemia were so painful. Before, he commonly got ear infections and would get nose bleeds quite frequently. Jess had first noticed that he often lost his appetite, and he started to lose weight, and he didn't even do anything. His bones and joints ached with what he thought was stress and age, but Jess had brought him to the hospital and that was the last time he would ever see the outside again, was that small drive to the hospital. 

The funeral was the hardest thing in the world, to Dean. He was putting on his black suit, attempting to tie his tie. Castiel, his fiancé, was doing the same. Their wedding was postponed. It was supposed to be a June wedding, getting married during pride month. However, Dean couldn't get married while Sammy was in his death bed, not knowing when his last breath would be. Dean knew Sammy would recover and survive, so they postponed the date that would be announced after Sammy's recovery. However, the recovery never came, and so the wedding was delayed until next June. Castiel was with Dean through it all. Reassuring Dean that his little brother would make it, because he was strong and never gave up. The only person around Sammy when he died, was Dean. As the heart monitor flatlined, Dean screamed for a doctor, and they tried four cardioversions, yet it didn't work. He was dead. His lips were cold and his heart was eaten up by the cancer.

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