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description: It's Halloween night and the Winchester's are bored. Good lord, what will they do?

note: This has Sam in it, and it's sort of Destiel-ish, but it's more just a supernatural one shot. I meant for this to be a funny type fic but it honestly turned sad and I have no idea why. This also takes place around season 8-9. 

Also! I do! Not! Ship! Sabriel! There will be no side-Sabriel in these one shots. Sorry if you do ship it. I just don't... I really liked Sam and Jess' relationship in my opinion.

words: 4,123


Where to start?

There's so much to talk about this particular holiday. First off, it's the only holiday that the Winchester brothers (and Castiel) sat down and celebrated. Sure, the other holidays like Christmas and Easter were fun but they didn't have a spiritual connection with it.

Secondly, it was socially acceptable to eat a thousand calories worth of candy up until Thanksgiving starts.

Thirdly, you could dress up in public and not get weird stares. And to add, you don't need to buy anybody gifts, you aren't expected to go anywhere, and there's no awkward family reunions for Halloween. There was so much about Halloween that everybody loved and everybody celebrated.

Well, except for the Jehovah Witnesses.

Other than them, Halloween was such a relaxing holiday with no judgment. The Winchester's were used to scary and spooky stuff, so none of the movies or costumes ever actually scared them.

Dean and Cas were relaxing on the couch in the library, with Dean's arm around Cas while he was trying to read, and Sam was decorating around the bunker while the both of them watched. Dean had a sucker in his mouth and finished it, so he put the stick and wrapper in the trash and dug in his plastic bucket for more candy.

To his demise, it was all wrappers. There were a few candy corn pieces and tootsie rolls but they tasted like dog shit so he decided to skip them. 

"The hell?" Dean muttered, still trying to find at least one last piece of candy. Dean wasn't dressed up at the moment, but he had an idea that he would bring out later.

"Is everything satisfactory?" Cas asked, looking up from his book. He was the same as Dean, he wasn't dressed up and wasn't planning on doing so.

"No! I ran out of candy!" Dean dramatically put down his bucket. Cas put his hand on his shoulder.

"It is okay. It is only glucose and syrup, Dean."

"No it isn't! I miss my Sour Patch Kids."

"Dean..." Cas tilted his head, "I did not know you had children."

The mentioned literally facepalmed his forehead. "It's a candy, Cas. Do you have any?"

Dean bent over Cas and tried to reach over to his bucket. Cas smacked his hand away and gave him the dominant eyebrow.

"Yes, I do... I haven't eaten any. You cannot have any of my glucose, however."


Cas tried to give a stern look but he just looked constipated. Dean rolled his eyes and they went back to cuddling.

Sam was over there decorating and putting all sorts of fancy things on the walls and floors. He put cobwebs and spiders on the bookshelves, bats were hanging up on the ceiling, and fake blood was spilt on the floor which eventually dried up. Sam had gotten one of those life sized plastic skeletons and laid it limp on the floor. His costume was just a simple moose costume, he was wearing moose antlers and attached a tiny tail on his pants. 

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