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description: Dean and Cas wash the Impala.

note: Day seventeen of my thirty day writing challenge!

words: 1,054


"God!" Dean screamed, scrambling over to the love of his life. "Son of a bitch! Who did this?"

"Perhaps birds did, Dean." Cas replied, looking at Baby, his voice monotonous.

Dean was cooing sweet words to the Impala, telling her that it'll be alright, and they'll clean in her in no time. There were white splatters and mud all over the top of the roof and even on the windshield. It was most likely bird shit, and Dean was furious. He had repaired his Impala after the car accident with dad from basically scrap. It was completely destroyed, but Dean was determined. He repaired it in weeks and it was brand new again.

"Can you help me clean her?" the hunter asked, guilt in his voice.

"You mean your vehicle." the angel looked stern.

Dean rolled his eyes and licked his lips. "Yeah, my vehicle."

"Yes, Dean." Cas nodded, removing his back from the wall.

Castiel's stare was intoxicating. His eyes made Dean's heart flutter out of his chest and fall into his stomach, causing butterflies to fly around in his gut. They had been dating for quite some time, and with each day, Dean found himself falling in love somehow even deeper. Every day was a bigger hole that Dean fell into over and over again, and that pit being his angel.

The hunter had told the angel how he felt in cliché rain. Sam, Dean and Cas were all sitting in a restaurant together, and Dean somehow convinced himself that the angel wasn't capable of loving Dean the way he loved him. Dean and Cas had argued over something Dean didn't even remember, and Cas just left the restaurant without a word. It began pouring down rain and Dean chased him out and grabbed fistfuls of his trench coat and placed his lips on his incandescently, rain cascading down on top of their heads. 

Grabbing a bucket, Dean went into the kitchen to fill it up with water. Cas, on the other hand, stared at the Impala with daggers as eyes. 

"Why does Dean love you so much?" he tilted his head serenely. The angel watched Dean all the time just gloat over her. He knew she was very special. However, it was also a vehicle. 

The angel heard footsteps and he turned around to find that Dean had taken off his three layers and was only left with his tight, black t-shirt... and jean shorts. Jean shorts that were so tight, his ass was basically hanging out. Cas looked at his crotch and Dean just stood there, proud.

"Where did you get those?" he asked, his voice like a cat's fur, soft and harmless. 

"Oh, baby, I got so many things you don't know about." Dean smiled, and continued walking to the Impala that was caked in bird shit. Cas stared at his ass simply.

Dean dumped the water bucket on top of her, the water trickling down the windshield and windows. He had put soap in the bucket as well, and Dean got a large, soggy sponge and began wiping the Impala down. Cas, his ears and his cheeks tinted a light pink, grabbed a sponge as well. The angel, not really understanding what the strange-to-the-touch apparatus did, slapped the sponge on the window over and over, excepting the sponge to clean off the stain.

The hunter, who looked up from the strange sound, furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Cas had knelt down on his knees, and hit it against the window harder. It still didn't work, and Cas grunted. 

"Woah. That's not how you use a sponge." he cocked his eyebrows, and placed his own on the roof of Baby.

"A sponge?" 

"Yeah, that thing is called a sponge," he replied and jerked his head forward, referring to the mushy object in his hand. "You scrub it back and forth, like when you take a shower."

"Oh." the angel said simply, and began doing exactly that. In a back and forth motion, Cas continually scrubbed. And didn't stop.

"Well, now you have to find another area. Just try to get the whole thing, alright?" He shook his head, trying not to laugh. Cas looked so determined in helping Dean clean his Impala, that he didn't even ask how to do it, he just put it in drive and went.

Castiel listened to what Dean told him, he wiped the left side of her while Dean got the other side. The angel looked up and saw that Dean was on his knees, getting the rims of the tire clean as well. Since Dean knew what he was doing, as he did it almost weekly, Cas started wiping the wheels as well. Getting and scrubbing the inside of the tires, Cas noticed that he had a pleasant time cleaning the Impala with Dean. It was something he had never done before, and the angel always enjoyed doing and trying new things with Dean.

Dean had finished before Cas, so he began doing the windshield, the part that had the most gunk on it. He was done fairly quickly and Cas was done with his first side and his second tire. The hunter dipped his sponge in the soapy water and wiped the back windshield as well. 

Once they were both finished scrubbing, Dean grabbed the hose and twisted the top of it to the most powerful level. He told Cas to step back, as the water would blast everywhere so it could drip the soap off of Baby. Cas, being the angel he was, did not listen, and Dean hit him straight in the chest. Coughing, Cas knocked backwards and almost fell, his white dress shirt dripping with water.

"Woah!" Dean snapped, putting the hose down. "You okay, babe?"

Dean put his hand on Cas' shoulder, looking at him like he was the most important thing in the world. And he was.

Cas' lips turned into a smirk, and he hugged Dean, getting the water that was dripping on the angel, onto the hunter. "Damnit! I should've known."

And so, they had a water fight. Dean used the hose as his weapon and Cas used the bucket, filling it up with Dean's water and splashing it onto him. It was the perfect summer's day.

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