Chapter 7

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    "Hell?" I say breathlessly, curious of what she meant by that. I do believe in heaven and hell, though I'm  still alive and how could I go to hell? Or is this so called demons from hell coming to earth? That'll  be a big problem if thats the case.
   She nodded," everything you heard is real,Laina; demons, fallen angels, angels and werewolves and you already know about witches,"she smiled and pointed to herself causing me to giggle.
   "And vampires," at that she gasped.
    "You encounter a vampire already?"
   "He was actually the first supernatural  I killed though my evil self didnt stop to give him a chance as I managed to step in to save you," she was in awe of my response.  I put my sword back into the case and sighed, falling back onto the couch as I am now laying down.
    "So I am second... you're  really freshly new at being a Huntress."
    "I guess..."
    Silence overwhelmed the room and she escused herself and made her way towards her room as I just lie on the couch staring at the ceiling.

    It was around ten in the afternoon as we both got bored, she offered to go to the club. Not ever went before I was ecstatic  to go.  Grabbin my sword and lowing it into my holster at my side I got dressed into a sexy outfit. Black tank top and a really short black shorts with designed patterned black  leggings. Grabbing my calf high black boots I waited for Lilly.
   When she came out she gawked at me.
    "Damn, girl, you're  hot!"
    I couldnt help but laugh and she came over to curl my dark brown hair. Lilly wore almost identical as me except she wore a skirt and all neon purple but with black leggings. When she finished she kissed her fingers and "vuela" type of noise as if she was proud of the creation she managed with my hair.
     I chuckled as we left her home and made our way to the club.
    "ID?" The bouncer asked with his arms crossed his chest and Lilly scavenged  into her bag and pulled out her card. He then waved her inside as I didn't  have one.
    As if knowing what to do, guessing my evil self, I took a step towards him and whispered so softly into his ear, "I seem to forgot it," it was seductive as the tone was soft and I grin as I made eye contact with the man, my eyes grew dark; and as if tranced he then waved to let me go, just like how he gestures for Lilly.
    Lilly gawked at me and I whispered into her eye normally," evil self," and that all it took for her to laugh nervously as we started dancing with the crowd together.
   I was starting to breath heavy as the instincts kicked it. Glowing trails are starting to appear everywhere I look in all sorts of colors by their persons. My eyes grew dark as I am now focused on the hunt.
    Then a hand was placed on my arm and I looked down  to meet Lilly's  eyes and I smiled down at her.
    "Go, you can't  hide who you are, get the bad, Laina," she says and I nod. Making my way over to the bar counter then I looked to my right as I see two different color trails leading up the stairs. Walking up them with my hand on the handle of my sword I froze at the top of the stair case  and I cant believe whats in front of me.
    'He started to see through the glamour,' Lilly's  voice from earlier rung in my head. Stood before me was two different creatures, one with horns and one with fangs of a vampire. They were pressing each other against the wall making out.
    "What a beautiful sight," I grinned evilly slowly raising my sword and they gasped as they saw me. The vampire boy got in front of the demon girl protectively and I smirked and took a step forward.
    "You're  kind is supposed to be extinct!" He hissed.
    "Well your accusations are false," I say and the demon girl was afraid.
    I then rushed to them with my sword at the ready and swiped their head clean off watching their bodies tumbled to the floor. Crouching beside them another smirk appeared onto my face.
    "Pity, though theres much work to do."
    Making my way down the staircase I then followed a grey glow trail with my bloody sword in my hands. Noone glanced up or even notices me at all as I went to the VIP section. Going through the doors unnoticed I saw what I didnt expect to see in all my life.
    "Well, well," he says clasping his hands together as he stands.
     "Lucifer, king of hell," I say menacing.
     He grinned evilly at me," In the flesh my young warrior."

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