Sleepless Nights

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Most people were asleep, the majority had gone upstairs leaving only me, Error, Blue, Geno and Dust downstairs. Error had fallen asleep in his arm chair, which I was sat in front of on the floor, Blue was still asleep, curled up on the floor. Dust was awake in the corner of the room, but he had his hoodie and headphones on and seemed to be watching something in front of him, even though there was nothing there. Me and Geno were also awake but he looked deep in thought.

I wonder what he's thinking about. It's probably Reaper. Everyone knows he likes Reaper, even if he hides it, it's just so obvious.

I wonder if Geno and Fresh are ok with my dating Error? I hope so. Although I don't think we would stop dating if they did disapprove.

Geno seems to act like a second parent to Error and Fresh cause their dad was never around. I guess that kinda makes sense, he is the oldest after all, but Error has told me before that when he was young he found it annoying that Geno always treated him like a child but as he got older he realized it was just Geno trying to protect him...

...Wow that was a bit of a tangent.

I can't sleep.

I don't know why but I'm just not tired.

So I did what anyone who can't sleep does.

I left a sticky note on Errors skull telling him where I was, and went into the kitchen and created a portal to the antivoid.

......that is a normal thing to do right?

Dust POV
He's not real. I know he's not real. He doesn't even look real, he's a floating skull with gloves for God's sake!

...but he feels so real. And he sounds so real, not that I can even hear him right now, I have my music on full volume to drown him out. I'm not looking at him, but I can tell he's looking at me.

I need to clear my head. I'm going outside.

I pull my hood over my headphones and get up. Geno looks at me curiously but I couldn't care less.

I leave without a word.

Once I'm outside I immediately feel better, not perfect, but better. It's raining and it's freezing, but the icy air just makes me feel more alive. I can still see him out of the corner of my eye, but the rain helps to obscure him. I take a deep breath, which is surprisingly hard to do in the biting air, and focus on the rain. He finally fades away, I know he'll be back, he always is, but at least for now I'm by myself.

It's not like I hate having him here, it's actually kind of comforting, it makes me feel less like a monster. It's just that sometimes, I want to feel normal, I don't want to be that crazy person haunted by the people he's killed.

Sometimes I just wish I was born in another AU, one that doesn't make me a psychotic, murderer. One that doesn't make people scared of me. One where I could be happy. Maybe somewhere like Outertale, or Epictale or Sugartale?

Wait, not Sugartale, I can't stand that place. There's far too much sugar.... and bright colours, and positivity.

I sigh, maybe Dusttale is the right AU for me? I can't stand anywhere that's too positive, and optimistic people piss me off.... well most do, there's maybe one that's alright. The corner of my mouth curls up slightly and I have to force myself not to smile, but it's hard not to smile at him, he's just to bubbly and happy all the time. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly, crap, why does he have to be so damn adorable all the time?! I tighten the cords of my hoodie a bit, feeling the need to hide my face, even though no one was here.

I should probably go back inside.... but its just so nice outside. Most people don't like the dark or the rain, but I do. Whereas most people find it annoying or scary, it makes me feel calm and collected. I take my headphones off and put them round my neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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