Hello Geno

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My brain: You should update this book more
Me: I want to but I'm too busy
My brain: We're in quarantine, there is literally nothing stopping you from regularly updating this book
Me: But I'm buuusssyyyy
My brain: Literally all you do is read fanfic and listen to music
Me:......my point still stands

Error POV
I walked out into the park, Ink's hand in mine. I saw him, my younger brother: Fresh, 90's nightmare, parasite, whatever you wanna call him. He was sat on the grass with another, shorter skeleton, Deccy, his best friend since high school. They were both laughing at something Fresh had said when Fresh glanced over in our direction and his laughter instantly stopped. His glasses shifted from 'YOLO' to question marks, then to exclamation marks as he must have realized it was me.

Deccy noticed this and seemed to check he was ok, as he put his hand of Fresh's shoulder. Fresh said nothing he just nodded towards me and Ink, Deccy looked at us, he recognized us immediately.

We kept walking till we were close enough to them to speak, but I couldn't even bring myself to say anything, instead we just stared at each other in awkward silence, till Fresh decided to talk.

"Um, Error bro, how's your Haphephobia?" Well, I didn't expect him to say that.

"Oh, it's fine, it only really triggers now when I'm overly emotional or if it's a stranger." Fresh nodded.

"Right, well are you overly emotional right now?"

"No, not particularly."

"Would you consider me a stranger?"

"What!? No you're my brother."

Fresh smiled slightly then stood up, facing me, he almost looked like he was crying. Then without warning he pulled me into a tight hug and buried his head in my shoulder. I could feel tears threatening to spill and I hugged him back.

"I missed you so much bro."

"I......I missed you too."

Dust POV

"Hey" Me, Killer and Horror were stood at the door that had just opened and were greeted with a very confused Sans.

"um dust killer horror, what are you guys doing here."

"Do we need a reason to visit an old friend?" Killer said, smiling. Sans looked at us, clearly unconvinced.

"what do you need." He sighed.

"Ok, we need your help with something." Horror spoke up.

"what is it."

"Um it might take a while to explain, can we come in?" Sans sighed and opened the door fully.

"sure whatever."

...Time Skip :P...

"So basically there is an evil thing running around, destroying the Au's, none of us even recognize and its threatening to destroy the entire multiverse because we can't even attack it." Killer summed up with a, very obviously faked smile.

Sans blinked a few times, taking in the new information before sighing and resting his head in his hands.

"right so why have you come to me for help." his speech was slightly muffled.

Love in our own way [Error x Ink & Multiship]Where stories live. Discover now