16. The calm and the storm

Start from the beginning

'vale?' Seb started, whilst she was setting up the table for lunch.

'yes, Seb?'

'I just wanted to thank you. My moods have been all over the place lately and I needed these few days to think about nothing. I needed to clear my head. You have been so amazing, even more so since Canada. And yeah, I just wanted to thank you.'

'there's no need to thank me. You've helped me out a lot too. I mean, I knew you were an amazing human before but you've done nothing but confirm this to me. For the first time in my life, I feel like I have balance. Like I've found what I was missing.' She walked towards him. 'Du bist mein Ein und Alles'

'Du bist die Liebe meines Lebens' he replied, giving her a kiss.

'I don't want to go back to the real world tomorrow' she sighed.

'for the first time in my career... me neither' Seb told her.

'shit, I broke Sebastian Vettel' Valeria joked.

'no, my love, you fixed me'

Saturday qualifying

Valeria and Pietro were walking down the paddock, in the early hours of Saturday.

'Sebastian has been doing great this week so far. Maybe you need to take him up in the mountains more often' Pietro joked.

'I don't have enough annual leave for that' she laughed. 'but yeah, I feel a lot better too. Also, you know what feels nice? Blocking people on socials. I have had so many comments saying how much he could do better, or just using my profile to get out hatred towards him I don't even give them a reply. Just block! Done.'

'to be honest, people still love you on the Ferrari profile. They say they look forward to you and Nico every race weekend.'

'It's cause I'm amazing' she joked, as they entered the garage, ready for FP3 and then quali.

'The car won't be ready for q3' Valeria heard Riccardo tell Seb. 'there's an issue we need to work on, it will probably be an all nighter for us.'

'Will it be OK for tomorrow?' Seb asked him.

'Yes, we will make sure of that' Riccardo replied, walking towards Valeria. 'there's a mechanical issue with Seb's car, so Rosberg is probably going to ask about that.' He proceeded telling her about the air pressure issue they had found, so she could prepare herself for the questions.

The garage had no choice but to put all their hopes into Charles, who snatched another pole by the end of Q3.

Valeria walked out of the garage, having spotted Nico's blonde hair approaching her.


'We're almost halfway through the season and I'm still newbie?' she asked.

'you won't be a newbie next season' he smiled. 'Live in 3...2..1... Martin, here with Valeria. What can you tell us about Sebastian's car? Is it terminal?'

'there's an issue with the air pressure into the engine, our great mechanics are going to work their magic and Lina will be back up and running tomorrow.' She smiled.

'And of course Charles is heading the pack tomorrow, can it be the right time for his first F1 win?'

'let's not jinx it, but we all know we would like that'

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