Dream :)



"Darryl is no longer in denial." Clay commented from where he was still curled into the crook of George's neck. George hummed.

"What was Darryl in denial about?" George asked absently, one hand tracing up and down Clay's spine and the other holding up his own phone.

"His feelings," Clay stated and George nodded.

"For Zak, right?" George asked, smiling at another kind message before moving along to delete the rest of the not so kind ones. Clay laughed.

"He's so obvious that even you know." Clay quipped. George scoffed in mock offence and began untangling himself from underneath Clay. Clay whined an apology and wrapped his arms around George's waist tighter. George huffed and rewrapped his arm around Clay.

"Do you want to go to the Café again today? Darryl said he's 'distracting the media' so we won't have to worry." Clay asked, fiddling with the hem of George's shirt. George hummed.

"I'd love to. What does he mean by 'distracting the media'?" George responded. Clay shrugged with a smile.

"Not a clue but apparently he's planning on making a move on Zak today." George nodded. It was hard to believe that a little over a week ago, George would have leapt at the prospect of some possible 'skephalo' content. But, then again, a little over a week ago, George would have simply died at the idea of having Dream curled on top and around him like this so he had come quite a ways.

"You know you have to get up if you want to go to the Café?" George teased when Clay pushed him back down after he'd attempted to sit up. Clay groaned in protest and made his way to don his mask.


Walking with my muffins ❤️
[an image of two dogs walking slightly ahead of two sets of feet. Barely visible in the image are a pair of hands, fingers laced]
21.5k retweets      36.6k likes
Rat and Rocco content 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
H a n d s ?
Are,,, are they holding hands???
     They're dogs, silly, they don't have hands!
     19.8k retweets      37.2k likes


Clay was panicking. He had argued with George all the way to the Café about who would pay and George had eventually won. Now, as Clay sat and waited for George to return with whatever he'd ordered for them, Clay was overthinking.

What if he'd read the situation wrong? George never actually said the words, Clay just assumed that's what he was getting at. What if George was only acting that way because he'd been upset?

George sat opposite Clay with a grin, pushing a large plate of waffles towards him. It successfully snapped Clay back to reality and he took a moment to look between the plate and George's grinning face. George had his own plate too.

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