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I don't know what a @Wish_I_Was_The_Disco is, stop saying we're the same thing.
4 retweets 231 likes
The embarrassment has set in. You aren't mad at me, remember?
Lmao George said 😳✌🏼
George, you can't just disown your account because you did something embarrassing.
     Don't even know what you're talking about,
Literally said we aren't the same thing
2 retweets 101 likes


"George?" Nick called, knocking on George's bedroom door. He had gone upstairs after breakfast and never came back down. "You alive?"

George responded with a loud, muffled groan. He'd thrown off Dream's hoodie and buried himself under his duvet, swearing to never show his face again.

"You better be dressed, I'm coming in," Nick warned, slowly opening the door. The first thing Nick noticed was Dream's hoodie, crumpled on the floor. It took him a moment to realise that the mess of covers on George's bed also contained George.

"Realisation just hit you, huh?" Nick asked, sitting himself on the edge of the bed. The George bundle whined. "I'd help but I have to head home soon, I promised a stream." The George bundle huffed. "You don't have to join the stream today, I think they'll understand." Nick reassured, patting the bundle and hoping he didn't touch anything weird.

The George bundle hummed and then shuffled for a moment before George's head poked out, cheeks red. "Tell the stream I died in a horrible accident." He said before burying himself again. Nick laughed.

"It's not that bad," Nick reassured, watching as the bundle shuffled again. George's head poked out, giving Nick a sceptical look. Nick laughed again. "Okay, maybe it's a little bad but it was mostly my fault."

George deadpanned. "Yes. It was." Nick realised he shouldn't have said that.

"Hey, you said you weren't mad at me!" Nick reminded, backing away. For someone wrapped in a duvet, George looked adequately threatening. "I gave you the opportunity to see them live and to meet them in the first place so surely that cancels it out." He reasoned desperately, backing away slowly.

"Cancels out giving them a folder of my art - that probably has countless pictures of me and Dream being romantic - and telling Dream that I have read loads of fan fiction about him?" George asked, slowly advancing on Nick.

"Yes?" Nick asked hopefully, standing from the bed and beginning to back towards the door. When George stood, Nick helplessly scrambled for the handle and ran.

Nick was already in his car by the time George reached his front door. He finally gave up, still bundled in his duvet, and closed the door. When he reached the couch, he flopped onto it, making sure to gather the duvet around him so that only his head was visible.

A soft meow caught his attention and he looked over to see Cat watching him quizzically. "Hey baby," he cooed, freeing one arm to reach out. The cat walked forward to nuzzle against his hand, purring. George was reminded of the day before, Dream leaning into his hand.

He groaned loudly, startling Cat. "Sorry," George murmured "I'm a mess at the moment." He explained, as if Cat could understand him. George sighed, right as his phone buzzed. He pulled it out to see a twitter notification.

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