On Our Own

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I would have never expected to be where I am today. Almost a year now, my parents couldn't raise me or my siblings due to financial reasons. They then sent the three of us to live with my grandfather. He was the only person willing to raise us.

However, he doesn't. I am forced to take care of my 5 year old brother, Luka and my 2 year old sister, Sophie. All my grandpa does is sit on the couch and drink beer, while he watches comedy on the television.

There's not much to do in this boring house. I don't have any friends because I don't have time for them.

As a teenager I should be able to go to parties or do after school events; meanwhile I'm forced to come home and raise my sister and brother, otherwise they go hungry. I don't mind doing it but I wish I could take a break for once.

Although I have to taking care of Luka and Sophie, I also take care of my grandfather. I cook dinner, wash dishes, clean the house, and entertain the children.

Somehow I manage to keep my grade above a C. When I was younger I got straight A's but now things have changed. I've changed as a person. I used to have a lot of friends; however now I have none.

I'm only 15 and I'm busy being a parent while our real parents are doing god knows what. They don't call, text, or even visit us.


Luka and I are watching a movie, sitting on the edge of the bed that Luka, Sophie, and I sleep on. Together, we watch Toy Store all the time! It does get annoying but it makes Luka happy and I'll do anything to make him happy.

"Gabby!" grandpa yelled. God, I hate his loud, booming voice.

"Yes?!" I shouted back, trying to be quiet. Sophie is fast asleep so I'm trying my hardest to be silent.

"Gabby!" he screamed. I stood up with anger. I walked through the small hallway of the tiny trailer. It barely fit my grandfather let alone the three of us. My grandfather shouted even louder this time.

"Yes?" I asked standing in the living room. My drunk grandfather sat, laying in front of me. He was laying down on the dirty, old couch that he's had for years.

"Can you go get me a beer?" grandfather questioned. I rolled my eyes. I looked at the many beer bottles on the coffee table.

"Sure," I said. I walked into the small kitchen. I went into the fridge and saw almost nothing. Only beer cans and beer bottles were in the fridge.

There was a little bit of milk and juice; however I have to go grocery shopping. I got a beer can and walked into the living room, handing it to my grandpa.

"I don't want this! I want a bottle not a can," my grandfather rudely justified. My entire body started warming up. I had the urge to just slap him across the face.

"If you have a problem with it then you can get it for yourself," I wailed without thinking. I have never seen my grandfather stand up so fast in my life.

"Excuse me?!"

"I said you can get it yourself," I repeated. He's face turned furious. I was proud of myself. It has been long overdue for me to stick up for myself.

"You're so ungrateful! I allow you and your siblings into my home and you want to disrespect me?! You might have disrespected your parents but you will never disrespect me!" grandpa illustrated.

"You don't deserve my respect," I elucidated. I had no clue what was going to happen next.

"Get out! Get out of my house!" my grandpa demanded.

"Gladly, just let me pack up my things," I said. What was I saying?! I have no place to go, no place to just leave to.

"No, you will not take anything out of my house besides you, Luka, and Sophie," he informed. I walked into the bedroom. What am I going to do? I grabbed the remote and shut off the television.

"We're leaving," I announced.

"What? Where are we going?" Luka wondered.

"I don't know," I admitted.

"But, I'm watching Toy Story," Luka whined.

"I don't care! We have to leave!" I felt bad for yelling at him; however Luka needs to understand that I'm being serious.

My body was still heated, as tears tried to form. I kept blinking hoping they would disappear.

Along, with trying to get my little brother to stop talking about the TV, tears continued to fill my eyes. They hadn't rolled down my cheeks but the tears made my vision blurry.

It's bad enough that our grandpa kicked us out, I didn't need Luka panicking about where we're going to live, what we're going to eat, ect.

I have no phone number or email address so Luka, Sophie, and I are on our own. Luka, got off of the bed. I grabbed his hand and we walked into the living room. At this point tears had vanished.

"I never want to see either one of your faces again!" grandpa unraveled. I looked at him before quickly walking out of the house. I let go of Luka's hand only for a second, to slam the door.

"Gabby, why is grandpa mad?" Luka questioned.

"I said something that hurt his feelings," I revealed. Luka, looked confused but I gave him a loving smile, trying to make the better of the situation

The three of us walked out of the trailer park and on the side of the road. I had no idea where I was going but I needed to get out of here and never turn back.

I got no food and no shelter. I don't have anything! Together, we walked into the small town we once used to live in.

"Where are we going?" Sophie asked, sleepy. Great, Sophie woke up.

"Umm, we're going to an old gas station," I explained, as we crossed the street.

"Why are we here?" Luka asked.

"This is our home, for now," I clarified.



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