This happen...

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Welcome to 'Something's not right with Honoka'  I know it's been a decade(I think) but I finally manage to finish the first chapter. I hope you like this chapter.

Honoka: seriously why me?


There in the rooftop practicing for the concert. "I'm sooo tttiiiiirrreeed" honoka whine and lay down. "Honoka stand up, it's dirty." Umi said "fiiinne" honoka said and seat up. Then a girl appeared. "U-um s-sorry to bother y-you b-but can I h-have a-an autograph H-honoka K-kosoka.." a girl said. "Who me?" Honoka said in said, the girl nod and honoka went to the girl. Honoka say something to her that it make her happy and left.

"Huh? You didn't give her your autograph?" Kotori ask. Honoka look at the girls "I told her let's hang out later." She said with a smile. "Well that's convincing" maki said. She let out a cheery smile to them "alright! Let's finish it up!" Honoka said in energernic way. After there long practice nico went off early. "She went off early." Honoka said. "She said, she needs to buy something to her siblings" Maki said while button it up her blazer.

"Ara ara Maki you really know her well." Nozomi said that make maki suddenly blush. The girls giggle then the girl from earlier waiting at the school gate. "Shall we go?" Honoka ask and the girl nod. "Have fun you two!" Nozomi scream. The girl blush and Honoka wave them goodbye.

Time skipped...

"I think I have it all" Nico said while checking her grocery. As she walks by, she saw Honoka and the girl they met earlier entering the dark alley. What the....? Nico thought then she follow the two. As she follow them.

"Hey..." honoka said in a dark way. "Y-yeah?" The girl said in fear. By that, Honoka push the girl and start's to strangle her. The girl tries to resist Honoka but her grip got even tighter. After that the girl slowly passing out. "That's for disturbing us!" Honoka said and Nico was shock and she didn't move what the ?!? Nico thought.

Then out of nowhere, Honoka laugh nonstop. By that nico back off a little and run. Fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! Nico thought over and over again until she arrive in the apartment. "What happen to you big sis?" Cocoro ask. "A-ah nothing!" Nico said. "Call Cotaro and Cocoa I buy you guys fast food all the way here" nico said. "Kay!!" Cocoro said and call her siblings. Nico take a deep breath and put some plates on the table. "I'll be in my room call me if you guys finish eating." Nico sajd grabbing her bag "your not joining us?" Cocoro ask. "I have homework to do." Nico said went to her room.

Nico's room.

Nico P.O.V

What should I do!? Honoka strangled her own fan! 'This is for disturbing us..' Honoka said back then. "Is she gone mad!?" I said in fear. "I better warn the others." I said and let out my phone. But my buzz. It's maki.

Maki on phonecall...

Hey nico, I was just wondering how's your sibli-

Maki! Don't come any closer to Honoka!

Wha-! Why?

Your not gonna bealive this but Honoka killed her own fan! The girl who went to the rooftop. It happen few moments ago!


What's funny? It's true!!

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