Theater Of Pain Tour: Bad Habits.

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This chapter involves the abuse of Drugs and Alcohol. Talks of depression and Panic attacks. THIS CHAPTER INVOLVES TALK OF SELF HARM & ACTIONS OF SELF HARM, ALONG WITH CONTEMPLATION OF SUICIDE.
If you are struggling with self harm or thoughts of suicide, I encourage you to reach out to this helpline ❤

      Maggie stood next to Mick, both of them wearing sunglasses. It was too fuckung early for the sun to be so damn bright. Maggie rolled her eyes as Tommy skipped onto the tour bus happily chucking his suitcase in the bunk room. Vince and Nikki both shuffled onto the bus, unhappily. Mick and Maggie both sighed before making their way onto the bus.

    The first leg of the tour was two months in the states. The second was two months in South America . Then finally three months in Europe. It was going to be a long seven months for the eight year old, but at least she was going to see the KISS boys in Australia, so that was a plus. Maggie stared out the window, watching the scenery pass her by. The girl was immensely pissed off that she couldn't bring Razzie on this tour, but Heather promised to take good care of  her.

   Mick picked up Maggie's feet before plopping down on the couch, the girl instinctively setting her feet in the man's lap. "Talk to me kid" Maggie shrugged, "I'm just worried about this tour." Mick waved his hand, "That's just your anxiety Kid. I promise that nothing is gonna happen on this tour. Especially since you're gonna be stuck at my side the entire time." Maggie laughed, before looking out the window, "It'll be nice to see the Hanoi boys again." Mick nodded, "Yeah. Have you told Andy you're coming?" Maggie smiled, "Yeah, I sent him a letter yesterday. I'll probably call him tonight after the concert." Mick ruffled Maggie's hair, "Good. I'm sure they'll be hyped to see you again." Maggie smiled gently, "I hope so."

      The first show was in San Jose, which was a five hour drive away from LA. Maggie had fallen asleep half way through the trip. When she woke up they were already pulling into the hotel, Maggie rubbed her eyes before looking around the bus. "Where's Nikki?" Maggie mumbled, "he is- um," Tommy stumbled for a lie, looking to his bandmates for help, "Hes shooting up in the bathroom. No use in lying to her Tommy." Vince stated, clearly on a high of his own, Maggie glared at the singer and drummer, before storming off the bus. Mick sighed heavily, "nice going guys." The older man quickly going after the girl.

      Maggie glared at the sunset, biting her lip harshly, "Maggie wait, let's talk this out kid." Mick reasoned, approaching Maggie, "No Mick. If Paul wasn't on tour, I'd be with him right now. For the first in my life, I don't want to be here. I can't watch him slowly kill himself." Maggie looked down, wiping away her tears, "I shouldn't even be here, Mick." Mick frowned, "Maggie-" Maggie just shook her head before walking into the hotel.

     Maggie stood emotionless at the side stage. The adrenaline of watching the guys before no longer thrilling the girl. "Maggie May! How've you been kid?" Tom shouted over the noise, Maggie quickly put on a fake smile, "I'm great man! How are you?" The girl was so used to faking that it now came naturally, she hated this new talent with passion. "I can't believe what's been going on! How's living with Mick?" Tom asked innocently, Maggie cringed slightly, "Its been great! Dad and I have been working on our relationship as well! Everything is really good right now." Maggie smiled brightly, the producer smiled, "That's great kid! Listen I gotta go, but I'll see you later, yeah?" The girl nodded, watching the man walk away. Her smile quickly fading as she went back to watching the Crüe.

      Maggie gave a forced laugh as some Label executives joked about her forced move, Mick quickly changing the topic as she turned her attention to the rest of band. Vince stood in the middle of the room, surrounded by groupies and producers. Tommy was snorting coke, and chugging vodka like it was the only thing keeping him alive, honestly  Maggie thought it was the only thing he lived for. Then her eyes fell to her father. Nikki stood in a corner, leaning against the wall as girls hung all over him, the bass player laughing as someone told a story. The two made eye contact, and suddenly they both saw through their facades. Nikki was just as broken as Maggie, and the girl didn't know what hurt more. The fact that the man was so lonely and depressed, or that he wasn't willing to give up the high for Maggie. "Mick, can we go?" Maggie asked quietly, the guitarist nodded, "Yeah kid. We can go."

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