Chapter 5

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No matter how hard and desperately Zoya tried to flail her arms and legs, she couldn't figure out the formula to rise up to the surface. She ended up drinking lots of pool water. Eventually, she gave up struggling and put a hand up the water surface in a bid to say goodbye...

During this time Aditya was talking with someone over the phone in the poolside area. Just as he had finished his talkings and wanted to rest a little, he saw a hand at the other end of the pool. "ZOYAAAAA...." he shouted when he realized Zoya was in trouble. Aditya took a deep breath and swam as fast as he could to get to her. He made it in time. He took one breath to cover the entire length of the pool, to get to his Zoya.

Aditya grabbed for her unconscious arms as she tumbled. He lifted her out of the pool. She lay there in the poolside as still as a corpse, barely breathing at all.

Arjun came running to the under ground pool in the backyard of the Hooda mansion hearing his bhai's shouting. He saw his bhabhi lying in an unconscious state.

Aditya shakes her cold body to gain her consciousness. He tapped her stomach a little forcibly and she split some pool water out of her mouth.. and gradually coming to her senses.

"Are you ok?" He worriedly asked! She nodded palely. Cold water runs down Zoya's arm, almost freezing as it goes.
He gave her his jacket and covered her.

"Bhahi, you are alright na." Arjun asked tensely.

"I'm fine". She said weakly.

The slight breeze on wet clothes made her shiver more. Zoya felt like her blood has frozen in her veins. Her heat has run to her core to shelter. Even though Aditya gave her his jacket, her limbs were still shaking. The pool water was way too cold. Zoya guessed Aditya must be also feeling cold now as he was still in his wet clothes only. And moreover gave his only jacket to her.

Aditya hugged her tightly when noticing her shivering in cold. Zoya instantly stopped feeling the chilled that was running down her esophagus and her body immediately stopped shaking involuntary. Zoya snuggled in the warmth. He pulled her close, gently rubbing her arm.

When he made sure she was ok, he lifted her to their room. Not before saying Arjun, "Chote, your bhabhi need to feel the heat of good coffee". Arjun nodded in reply and ordered Victor to send two cups of hot coffee to his bhai and bhabhi's room.

Once they reached their room Aditya asked as he passed her a towel. "When was your passion started to dive in the water". His voice only shows how concern he is.

"Aditya! My leg slipped..." she shuddered.

"How come you be so careless, Zoya??" He raised his tone a bit and scolded her like a father.

'I'm sorry, Aditya!' she managed to speak.

Aditya remembered that today morning itself, Zoya was saying that she does not know how to swim. And now she was all in a mood to prove it to him that she really not know swimming! He believed her for God sake! He can't even recall the incident.

"It's ok". he gently reply cupping her face. More to himself that she is fine.

"Aditya, you know, it feels like someone has pushed me!" Zoya said trying to figure out what actually happened.

He thought that she was making things up in order to hide her careless behavior.

"It's ok Zoya... You don't need to stressed yourself out. Now, go and change your dress. You need a hot bath". He said. "Hmm, you too". She replied and went to the washroom taking the towel and a saree along with her. Aditya kept looking at her retreating form. And thought in mind that she did not have a slightest idea how much he was worried.

He can not even imagine what would have happened if he would not make it up on time. He wanted to stop her giving him such mini heart attack! He remembered last night incident when there was a severe pain in her abdomen. The way she hugged him tightly and slept! After that night, today morning she was glowing. And now the pool incident made her face pale all over again.. He thought.

On the other hand, Zoya in the washroom, was trying to recall the person who must have pushed her. But then she thought maybe she was just thinking too much.

She again felt that she's been so lucky that she got a husband like Aditya Hooda who never fails to prove that he is her hero. She was also recalling about the incident that took place today morning when she woke up. When she opened her eyes, she sensed her husband beside. And how he was up almost all night thinking that she might feel lonely.


In Anjana's room, Pooja took a deep breath. She wanted to beat her hands on the ground like a toddler. She is so obsessed with Aditya and can do any extent to make him hers.

"Are you mad?" Anjana voiced out. "She could have died."

"I don't care." Pooja answered.

"Did you forget our purpose is to separate Adi and Zoya not to kill Zoya." Anjana advised warningly.

"I don't care.. I really don't. Zoya was on the verge of dying but Adi at the last moment spoil my full plotting murder plan. But nevermind. This time it was Zoya's luck, not more". Pooja said with a villainous smirk.

"No Pooja. This time you are at fault. Killing someone is never a solution. I promise you, I will throw Zoya out of the house by creating misunderstanding between Adi and her relationship". Anjana protested.

"Oh please! I know how to mend my ways." She shouted at Anjana and left her room. Anjana helplessly looked at the door.


Pooja entered to her room and closed the door behind herself. She had a secret door inside the room. She went in the secret room where she had thousands of pictures of Adi pasted on her wall. She looked at them every day. He was so perfect and she is obsessed. She traced her finger across his paper cheek, and kissed his lips, as she did every time. "I love him. I love him". She kept murmuring.

She was angry at Adi for ruining her solid attempt to murder plan. She purposely made the pool water unbearable cold for especially Zoya when she got the new piece of information in the morning while eves dropping AdiYa's room that Zoya does not know swimming.

"I got a lesson. I should not target Zoya around Aditya. He will anyhow save her". Pooja thought as her tension reaches to no limit. "I can't loose him. No way!! He's mine".

She smiled cheapishly as an idea hit her head.

How was the chapter?

Firstly, I want to say sorry to all my readers for this Late update. Next update in a couple of hours... and in the meanwhile I hope you all enjoy reading this chapter! And please do not forget to leave behind your valuable votes and comments, before you proceed to next update!


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