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HE DIDN'T EXACTLY like the sound of those words that had just flown out of her mouth.

They sounded a lot like a prophecy, and from what he knew, those were bad news.

He had been ordered to stay with his parents at the Jackson house while Annabeth and Percy brought Avery to Camp Halfblood.

Blake wondered why they expected him to follow those orders. He was the son of Leo Valdez. What did they think he would do? Sit around like a good boy and do his homework?

No. They were mistaken. First off, it was summer, and there wasn't any homework to be done. And second of all, he was not a good boy.

So, Blake snuck into the Jackson's car when they weren't looking.

He hid in the back under a blue blanket with grey owls on them. It was soft and cuddly, making him want to never get up.

"Was that a prophecy?" Percy asked his wife.

"I don't know.... It sounded like one.... I'm really worried, Percy...."

The door to the middle of the car opened up, and Blake heard Avery groan and be placed on the seat.

With a click of the seat belt, Percy got in the divers seat and Annabeth in the passengers.

The car grumbled. Percy began to pull out of the driveway and drove down the road and towards Camp Halfblood.

The Next Heroes: Apollo's Undoing (Percy Jackson Fan Fic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt