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WHEN HE CAME around, Blake found himself in a motel bed. Ambrosia squares were on the dusty nightstand, and the mirror across from his mothy bed made him aware of the nectar that dripped on his chin.

Using his sleeve to wipe off the drool and nectar, he hopped out of the bed. On the other bed was Hannah, who was still out cold- though she as well was healed of all injuries.

He saw Avery sitting on the crusty couch, looking at the television.

Slowly creeping up behind her, he hopped over the couch and landed next to her.

"Whatcha watching?" Blake pondered aloud.

"The news," she replied.

"Anything interesting?" Blake replied, expecting a smart alec answer.

"Oh, nothing much, besides a plane crashing down with us on it. Oh, the usual," she sarcastically replied.

Blake rolled his eyes. That's when he noticed how close they actually were.

"So uhm, Avery," Blake awkwardly said. "How are you doing?"

"Pretty good," she announced, subconsciously leaving her head on Blake's shoulder.

Blake felt excitement erupt inside of him. He was going to be brave right now.


"Yeah?" Avery replied, looking up at him.

He stole the moment- after all, there was a possibility that this would not happen. There could possibly not be another opening for this to occur. So he decided that he would take the moment.

He slammed his lips onto hers. Sparks flew through his veins- they always did, due to his fire problem. But these sparks were different. They weren't a problem; they were a blessing.

Blake didn't expect Avery to kiss back- he expected her to pull away and run away, disgusted.

Much to his amazement, she was kissing him back.

They pulled apart slowly, and Avery said, "I've been waiting for you to do that for a long time."

"Awesome! Seems like I'll be feasting on three demigods tonight!"

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