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AS SHE FOUGHT for the remote, her startling sky blue eyes caught the attention of the TV. Her favorite show, Gossip Girl, was interrupted by the News all of a sudden.

"Mom! Dad!" her brother called.

The two had been fighting over the remote. Hannah wanted to finish her Gossip Girl episode (she had said that there was only two minutes left, but her charmspeak seemed to work rather well on her ten year old brother), while Jake wanted to watch Spongebob Squarepants.

"Yes, Jake?" Her mother said as she and her husband walked in.

"Hey- why is this on? I thought you were watching Gossip Girl!" Her father noticed.

All of their eyes averted to the TV screen. It was a News Report. It must have been pretty big if it interrupted her show.

"Well, Ted," the newsman, John Johnson began, "I don't know how to explain it. Nobody does."

"What do you know about the situation, John?" Ted, the other newsman asked.

Hannah gulped. She knew what this was.

"Last night, someone broke into the house of Alana Custer, who is famous for her roll in Wing Nut, and managed to steal valuables that were worth one thousand dollars all together. According to Miss Custer, it was a young woman."

The scene changed. It showed Alana Custer giving details of the thief.

"She managed to convince me to give her my high tops. They were worth five hundred dollars, and she also managed to have me give her my laptop, which was worth five hundred as well.

"She looked about fifteen or so. She had choppy brown hair and her eyes were blue and she had tan skin. I don't know who, but she looked a bit like Christian McCleans daughter, Piper..."

Hannah turned off the TV and gulped; she was in for it now.

"So, Hannah, is there anything that you want to tell us?" Jason Grace, her father inquired, a stern look on his face.

"I may or may not have used charmspeak to get hightops and a laptop from Alana Custer." She sheepishly said.

"Hannah! What have we said about that!" Her mother, Piper exclaimed.

"Well dad said to steal from Uncle Percy if anything."

Her mother slapped the back of her husband's head.

"Hannah... Just... Just... Go to your room."

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