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IT ALL WENT downhill when the plane started going down at a speed that was certainly not a very approved one.

Blake looked around the plane. Babies were screaming (some of them, others didn't know what was happening), other children's and teens were scared out of their wits and screaming, some even crying, and finally adults trying to remain calm. However, most of them were screaming too.

Besides him, Hannah closed her eyes, as if she was preparing for everybody to fly out of here unscratched and unharmed. Blake snorted at this thought.

"Yes, because the trauma everybody will have after this won't stay with them forever," Blake thought to himself.

He glanced over at Avery, who was gripping the seat handles so tight that her normally pale knuckles where as white as snow; her body was shaking, and her breathing was heavy. Blake realized that she was having an anxiety attack.

He didn't know what to do; the only times he had seen an airplane crash was on the news and on Lost, one of the old TV shows his mother watched.

So, he sat there and remained unnaturally calm.

As the plane kept on tumbling downwards, he thought about that line in the prophecy...

"One of four shall perish in the night..."

Blake looked out the cracking plane window. It was just past dusk; it was nighttime. Perhaps they would have luck on their side- nobody would perish.

At that moment, the plane hit the ground at full speed ahead. Blake felt weightless; his seatbelt saved him. Glancing over at Hannah, he saw her on the aisle, unconscious. Her head was bleeding.

He looked over at Avery. She had a look of utter confusion on her face. That look suddenly morphed into anger; her grey eyes swirled like a storm.

Blake had seen her mother, Annabeth, when she was angry. Her eyes swirled like a tornado- just like Avery's.

"It's his fault!" Avery shouted.

"Avery? Who are you talking about?" Blake questioned.

"The man in my head."

Blake felt a sudden pan of worry erupt in him; recently he had been feeling more... Feelings for Avery. More-than-friends type feelings.

"Avery-" he began to questioned.

"GO AWAY YOU STUPID SKY MAN!" Avery suddenly screamed with the force of a hurricane.

Almost suddenly, there was a swirl of starry light that went out of her ear- almost as if she had a genie living in there.

Blake found himself barely being able to see the form of the man; he realized then that there was four on this quest.

At least there was four. Now there was only three of them...

It made sense now. It was nighttime, and something- Blake had no freaking idea what it was- had just perished from Avery's head.

"One of four shall perish during the night..."

With that last thought, Blake swam into the deep abyss.

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