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AVERY KNEW THAT she was not dead. No, not in the slightest bit. Part of her- the majority of her, actually- was thankful. She had so much to do.

But that was the question:

What did she have to do?

It was on her mind, burning like a fire in California for a few weeks now. The answers were never clear. They were sort of like the fog that she would often see when she and her family would go and visit her mother's dad in San Fransisco. Foggy and unclear, but sometimes they were right there in front of her.

Avery just couldn't see past the fog. It bothered her a whole lot sometimes, not that she'd ever admit it.

There was one question that she had gained the answer to already; the answer was given to her the other night.

It was her duty to save Apollo, who was trapped on top of the John Hancock building in Chicago, Illinois.

"You're right, girl," the Voice whispered in her head, giving her the chills all over.

"Don't talk to me."

"Join my army."


The Voice shut up, and Avery opened up her eyes. The first thing that she saw was the comforting sight of Blake's gorgeous blue eyes (which he had inherited from his mother).

"Avery? Avery! You're awake!" He joyfully exclaimed.


Avery stole a glance at what was on the coffee table beside her. Nectar. Ambrosia. Bandages.

Nectar and Ambrosia, Avery had learned when she was nine, did work on children like her due to both of her parents being halfbloods.

She felt so much safer whenever she would see Blake's beautiful blue eyes.

"Snap out if it, Avery," she thought to herself, "you can't go loving him."

"UNCLE PERCY! She's awake!"

Avery's father rushed in, and she inwardly groaned.

"Avery.... Are you okay?"

"No.... What?"

Avery's head began to hurt; her eyes rolled back and her body lurched forward. Green most sprayed out of her mouth.

"Three must go to the city of wind

And receive what has been taken

One of four shall perish in the night

Should they fail then it will be

The fall of the sun and his final verse."

The Next Heroes: Apollo's Undoing (Percy Jackson Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now