Chapter Twelve: A New Game is Started

Start from the beginning

“I am one of the Oneiroi.”

Ok, maybe not she amended. "Come again?"

Gladly was Morpheus's initial thought, but managed to stay his tongue on that one. Instead he addressed her  question in normal, imperious fashion, “You heard me.”

Gwen-Stacey bristled at his tone, crossing her arms across her chest, “An Oneiroi, huh? Which one: Morpheus, Phantasos, or Icelus?”

“You know us?” he asked more than a little surprised. It was obvious she was a smart woman, but knowing the names of his lesser known family belied a deeper education in classic mythology. Well, for humans anyway, for him it was just his annoying family baggage.

“Not personally,” she answered dryly. Gwen-Stacey knew how to deal with difficult people. It was what she did for a living. Granted, she didn’t particularly like confronting someone (or something) in her own home, but her years of on-the-job training were not easily ignored. It was better to fake control in a situation than the alternative. She would keep her freak-out to the bare minimum.  

“Fair enough,” Morpheus said taking a step forward. Though he was silent, she seemed to feel the movement and took a responsive step backwards. Gwen-Stacey was scared. Her heartbeat was loud to his ears, her pulse erratic, but she was doing a decent job of appearing cool and collected on the outside. Morpheus was about to test how strong her cover was, “So tell me Miss Reynolds, what do you know of my kind.”

She gave him a sharp look, “You didn’t answer my question.”

“No, I didn’t,” Morpheus said matter-of-factly.

“How am I to take you serious if you won’t tell me which Oneiroi you are?” she asked, losing a little bit of her cool patience.  

“I will take you seriously if you can rightly guess which one I am,” he replied easily.  

Gwen-Stacey took a deep breath. She was definitely dealing with a crazy, but if he managed to get inside her apartment, he was a smart crazy. She was going to have to play this game if she wanted to get out of the apartment. She was going to have to take the chance that he was a crazy with some semblance of honor. In New York that was asking a lot, but miracles were known to happen. “Ok, but only on one condition.”


She pulled up short, "But you didn’t hear my condition.”

“You want to walk out of your apartment unharmed and in one piece, though that’s really one and the same when you think about it. Your thoughts are a little all over the place right now, so I can’t really blame you for the repetitive nature of your desire.”

“Gee thanks for not holding it against me your Greek godliness.”

“You are welcome." Morpheus knew she was being snarky, but he didn’t mind. She was pretty cute when she was annoyed. Plus, it only added to his enjoyment of the game."Aren’t you curious how I knew what you were thinking?”

She gave him a withering look. Considering she couldn't rightly see him, she did a pretty good job of nailing him. "You’re a stranger in my apartment, asking me to guess which Greek god of dreams you are, so I think it’s safe to say that my only wish at this point would be to leave in one piece.”

“Touché,” he said, giving her a begrudging smile.

Gwen-Stacey cocked her head to one side, trying to give off the appearance of casual acceptance. “So, if I can guess which dream god you are, you’re going to let me leave, right?”


“You won’t try and stop me?” she asked.

“Not unless you beg me to.” His voice was chock-full of sexy insinuation. Morpheus could just imagine all the ways she could come up with to beg a favor of him. He thought on her knees, in front of his naked body might be a good place to start.  

God of My Dreams (Greek Heroes #1) ✅ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now