Chapter 55: Reito-Chi:Part 2: Snow like Stories

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- Monastery -

It's been 3 days since the girls have disappeared. It was confirmed they are alive, which brought great relief to many. However, right now, the main problem was where exactly they were. Faerghus was the first nation to come to mind, however; there were those that pointed out that the trees that were shown in the memory do not grow in Fodlan.

"Those are Winter Willows. A native tree from Albinea." Petra explains as she fixed her glasses, the shine on them made her look super smart.

"Petra...can I have my glasses back?" Ignatz weakly waved his hands because he couldn't see anything.

"Yes, you can have them back. I am feeling...ugh...dizzy." Petra quickly handed him his glasses back and quickly sat down before she fainted.

Everyone was in the auditorium trying to figure out where their Professor and friend were.

"You been to Albinea before Petra?" Leonie asked and the Brigid princess nodded.

"I have. The cold is colder than Faerghus and chilling like ice. Very little abundance there is but beautiful like the ocean. There is a story that was once a lush land before war turned it to a frozen one." Petra explains.

Alexandra was sitting on one of the chairs, hugging her knees. She was trying to form a communication link with Arisa but no luck so far.

"Colder than Faerghus? But....there's no way the Professor would suddenly be across the sea! That is impossible." Dimitri said as the others nodded in agreement.

He took a hard lesson last month and has backed off quite a bit from his pinning on Arisa. Also because of the huge scolding he got from Zander and surprisingly Sylvain. Thankfully, he now treats her more like a friend. He still likes her but decided to take his time. It's not liked the world is going to end. COUGH! COUGH!

"Actually," Forrest spoke up, " warping such lengths, is possible."

Everyone turned to him quickly while Amir had a "please do not say more" look.

"Forrest, please explain." Edelgard said.

"Unfortunately, even I do not know much. My father and Aunt Camilla know more on the subject." He said.

Chris shivered at the mention of Camilla. Leo he wouldn't mind meeting. Or Xander....or Elise. Actually, meeting Else might get him sent to jail.

"Wait, didn't Arisa say that she once warped from the Alliance all the way to Duscur?" Sadi suddenly said and Amir internally began screaming.

She began to tip toe out and quickly sunk into the shadows before anyone even dared stop her.

"Welp, she's not answering that." Chris sighs and turns back to the others, "Anyhow, the other cold places I can think of are the dark Nohr mountains of the Empire, which is in the territory of House Nohr, and the mountains of Faerghus. I was going to say Fodlan's Throat but it's currently still summer and the heat over there makes me want to dive into a river." He says.

"Okay, so we got three places." Claude raised three fingers, "Faerghus, Albinea and The Empire. Those are our clues. Are there any ships that go to the Albinea?" He asked.

"There is." Dedue spoke, "Though Duscur is no more, its former ship ports are still used for trade." He explained.

"And I remember there is a ship in Fhirdiad that also goes to Albinea." Annette spoke and the others nodded.

"There is a boat in Herving territory that goes to Brigid and from there they head to Albinea." Linhardt said then yawns a bit.

"But it would take up two months!" Caspar yelled a bit.

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