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this is for _LILH00DIE

josh x chase

"You didn't just cheat on me, you cheated on us; you didn't just break my heart, you broke our future"-Steve Maraboli

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"You didn't just cheat on me, you cheated on us; you didn't just break my heart, you broke our future"
-Steve Maraboli

just to clarify this is two years into the future so everyone is two years older than their age now

✰Third Person POV✰

It was Josh and Chase's anniversary. Josh thought it would be nice to take him out for dinner. It would mark their one year as being together. To say Josh was excited to go home was an understatement. Chase, had other plans.

✰Josh's POV✰

I rushed out of the office building, I didn't even say bye too Trent as I wanted to get home and surprise Chase with dinner. I told him I was going to be late today but I actually wasn't. Oh my god! It'll such a great surprise.

I get into my little honda. Today wasn't busy so I was one of the only cars on the lot. On my way home it started to rain. Well, not really rain it was more a light sprinkle.

I parked in the parking lot of our apartment complex. Putting my hood up so my hair didn't get too wet. I say hi to Mr. Parker, the apartment manager as I make my way through the lobby and too our building.

A little more walking in the rain and and few stories up, I make it to our level. 20. I walk down the hallway and fumble for the keys in my pocket. I get them out and unlock our apartment door. 217.

"Chase!! I'm home!" I yell out. No response. He's probably in the shower or something. I don't bother taking off my shoes as we are going right back out. I hang my keys but the door and walk to the fridge. Grabbing a water bottle.

"Chase?" I ask again moving on from the kitchen. Now walking down the hallway to our room. It's weird, the door's closed, the door's never closed.

As I get closer I hear moaning sounds. What the fuck?! "Ah yes Chase right there! Ungh!" I here a female fucking voice say. This can't be happening, nonononono. I twist the handle and open the door to a sight that would make my blood run cold.

My 'boyfriend' fucking Nessa bitch-face Barrett. I feel my eyes start to water. My hands start shaking and I drop the water bottle, spilling it all over the brand new carpet.

"On our anniversary?" I say, voice just below a broken whisper. They finally notice me standing in the doorway with my jaw on the floor. "Josh wait-" Chase starts as they try and cover up. But I'm already down the hall and out the door. I don't even grab my keys. I just want out.

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