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Ayyyyyye im backk!! If you didn't read my announcement, i was gone bc both of my parents died, and me and my brother were left orphans. We have now gotten settled in with my uncle and we are doing well! I hope all of you are well and im going to let you know im on a grind! Ready to ready some one-shots??

This is for @loloshep2008

griffin x kio

"we'll break our own heart's so someone else can't"- Bridgett Devoue

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"we'll break our own heart's so someone else can't"
- Bridgett Devoue

❖Third Person❖

Kio laid in his bed, still shattered from the the break up between him and Griffin. He hadn't gotten out of his bed, not even to eat, for the past 12 days. He'd been living off the mini fridge by his bedside.

Quinton and Anthony had tried talking to him multiple times but he never came out.

Griffin had seemed to have moved on,

or so everyone thought......

Everyone thought he went out, partied, and fucked a new guy each day of the week but no. Griff went to the same bar and got drunk out of his mind trying to drown out the fact that HE cheated, HE fucked up.

He drank and drank and drank just thinking about what these past days would have been like if he didn't go to that DAMN party. And didn't meet that ASSHOLE who said it was just a quick fuck. That no one would know.

They both still remember the night like it was yesterday, March 15th 2021. I marked their one year anniversary.


Kio was tired of the party Josh was throwing and was trying to find Griffin. Kio walked through Griff's bedroom door only to drop the red wine he was drinking, letting the glass shatter as soon as it hit the carpet, he saw Griff sucking the face off of a random guy, while the guy was trying to get his shirt off.

They both pulled away, startled by the noise only to find Kio bolt faster than ever. "Kio wait!" Griffin yelled trying to get up only to be pulled back down by mystery man.

"Don't worry about him, you've got me babe." the guy said trying to pull Griffin back into another kiss. "No! Get the hell out!" he yelled pushing the guy back and running to go find Kio. Realizing he royally fucked up. Kio maneuvered through the people in the house, trying to hold back tears until he go to his room.

He slammed the door and locked it just as Griffin got to him.


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