Thirty - Epilogue

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Edited: 5-21-24

3rd Person

One year later . . .

Two figures walked across the barren landscape. Their paws scuffed the ground as they walked, their pace slow. One was large with golden brown fur and a dark brown mane. His eyes were a peircing green without any pupils. The white of his belly, hands, and paws were hardly noticeable as his tail stirred up clouds of dust behind him. The scanner in his hands was going crazy, but nothing living should have been out here. Nothing had invaded their moon since a small scale fight broke out between an allied race and an unknown race.

The female beside him was sleeker, but just as tall. Her baby blue eyes held the same, errie look without pupils and her dark orange fur was broken up by the pitch black stripes that covered her body. Her whiskers trembled as she sniffed the air, the staff at her side glowing with green energy.

"Nothing out here should be alive," The male hissed, his eyes flicking over the gray wasteland. The female nodded and grabbed her staff, the energy sparking from the tip, emitting a crackling sound as if ready to strike someone down.

"No one can survive the moon's toxic ground aside from our kind. What could have survived out here for a whole year with no protection?" Her voice was soft, barely a whisper, but the male heard her loud and clear and she got in front of him, leading the way.

As they crested a hill, the crater in the side of the moon caused by the explosion that happened a year ago was still blackened. It still radiated heat as the two walked over the blackened surface. Their paws burned, but their job was more important. Whatever was out here should have been dead and reduced to dust by now.

As they got closer, they saw something extraordinary.

Lying in the center of the crater, a creature slept. Scars crossed his body every which way and his breathing was almost non-existant. His heart-beat could barely be picked up on the scanner. He was curled in a ball, his dark crimson fur dull and lifeless. His skin was darkened with ash and the pattern on the animal-part of his body appeared smudged with the ash that covered him.

"It's . . . alive?" The male asked, peering down at the body.

The female nodded and bent down. With her staff, she gently pressed it into the creature's side and it twitched. Jumping back, both of them were wary of the thing. Who knows what happened to it that caused it to be able to withstand the land. Was it the damage to the ground? Was it the layer of ash that separated his body from the toxic wasteland?

Getting in front of the creature, the female reached out and grabbed it's head. She put the staff down beside her and stared intensly at the face of the creature. All four of his eyes were closed and his mouth was set in a thin line. He truely looked to be dead, but as she blew gently across his face to get the ash off from his eyes, he awoke.

In a flash, all four eyes flew open and staring at her from his crimson red skin were two sets of mismatched eyes.

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