Chapter Twenty-Two

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Edited: 5-21-24

Daeus' POV

When they took Void away, it hurt to watch him struggle against the worker. The thought of the damage he could have done if his stinger hadn't been in that sleeve scared me. If the council deemed my Bond dangerous, they would lock the both of us up and I'd be separated from Yupo and contact with the outside world.

Having to watch my human struggle through the test made my nerves fry. I didn't understand the point of such a test, but I was being tested as well. A bond is supposed to be able to feel each other's emotions, understand what the other is thinking without actually hearing thoughts, and unconditionally be there for each other to protect and love. I loved Void more than Yupo, just like a Bond is supposed to be, so watching the Slek-hi attack Void was painful to me. I could feel his pain through his emotions even though our bond wasn't completely developed. I could sense his fear and agitation.

I do take responsibility for being tense and panicked and not controlling my emotions, which is one of the reason's Void acted how he did when the worker picked him up. Yet it was hard not to snatch him back and leave. The kings besides King Maur are all such self-centered assholes that it's hard to remember they are kings.

After trying to convey to Void that all he needs to do is stab the Slek-hi in the skull to kill it, I watched as he frantically stabed it multiple times. The glass went dark and I could no longer see my human, but King Maur was walking up to me with a polite smile. "Your Bond passed. He doesn't understand why he was in there, but he responded to the Slek-hi the way you conducted. You two are bonded if I've ever seen one."

Despite his bright pink, dyed fur, King Maur talked with an old, wisened tone to his voice. His silvery pink eyes closed slightly in a happy manner and I was thankful that he was going to allow me to stay in his kingdom. King Maur was possibly one of the first kings in a while to have compassion stored away inside of him. "Has the council decided their next course of action?" I asked, looking away from the window and towards my new king.

King Maur's smile fell and he sighed. "I cannot discuss this with you now, Daeus. They are bringing your Bond to your mate as we sit here. Return to her and we will bring this meeting to its end." Turning, Maur sauntered back out of the small room and into the main chamber.

Without spirit, I followed, quickly making my way back down to Yupo who was holding an unconcious Void. I took him from her and held him close, hoping the feeling of being in my arms and hearing my heartbeat would soothe my unconcious Bond. I hated putting him through that, I hated that I had no idea they were going to conduct the test. Slek-hi are nearly extinct and they still persist wasting valuable specimens for a stupid test. A Bond is a Bond and no one should take what Taurikie has given and call it false.

"Before we can end this long, dreadful meeting, there are some important news to share." King Lulua took the speaking spot as King Harlem and Royce stood back, relaxing with discontempt looks on their faces. King Maur was beside King Lulua, but his eyes were elsewhere.

Bowing my head slightly, I brushed through Void's wing that had been injured, massaging the muscle as the healing salve the worker had put on worked to stitch up puncture marks the Slek-hi had caused.

"As of today, the debate over humans has ended. With valid research and proof, the council and the head science divisions have been able to come to an agreement." King Lulua continued. "Humans are not superiorly intelligent. While they are smart enough to form their own cultures and way of life, they are not smart enough to be at peace and override their primitive ways and instincts. Even having taken in to consideration, this human's alterations, a Bond had been formed and is not one made between two intelligent species."

"But," King Royce cut in. "Due to the nature of the humans, we've decided that an ambassador of their safety and transportation is in order. Since you, Daeus, have the first and possibly only Bond with a human, we've decided that you will be the ambassador."

My mind reeled. Ambassador for humans? I was punished before the meeting and now I was getting a promotion? King Maur gave me a small, almost unnoticable smile and I figured he was the one who conviced the others of the title. Since I was now one of his kingdom, my rank as an illegal was no longer valid.

"Meeting clo-"

"Wait!" I called out before King Royce could close the meeting. "As the new ambassador of the humans, what is my role? We don't have many ambassador's for me to reference and I don't want to screw this up."

King Royce shot me a hate-filled look before speaking. "As ambassador, it'll be your responsibility to transport humans, set the law on owning them and take responsibility for their planet. You will be sent out in a day's time to retrieve the first of the humans. Due to being a limited species only found on their planet, you will be responsible for the controlled amount taken from their planet and what happens to those removed from there. Take your Bond and your mate, gather a team for transport and be gone." His words were harsh and clipped and I could hear his claws scrapping over the marbled floor.

King Lulua shook his head at King Royce's tone. "If that is all?" He asked, watching me intently.

I was about to nod my head, but a small pain shot through my skull and suddenly I was seeing memories that weren't my own. I could hardly grasp the images, but the place they came from was shockingly clear. They were Void's memories . . . painful memories. Memories of his time with the Krovlotts. "No," I responded after realizing they were all waiting for me to say something. "As ambassador, I would like to request information on the Krovlotts. My bond was mutilated by them. Do we have any information on if that was the only ship? Do we know if there are any more? Do I need to keep a watch for suspicious activity while being out in space?"

King Harlem held up a hand and stepped forward, his eyes stern as he stared at me. "You do not get access to that information, Daeus. The Krovlotts are no longer your concern. Your only job now is to watch over the humans. That's it."

King Royce nodded, agreeing with my father. It angered me that they would dismiss my request. I deserved to know, but I kept my mouth shut. I'd been granted more than they were willing already and I shouldn't push my luck.

"This meeting is at a close. We are done here." His blazing eyes found mine and he bared his canines. "I don't ever want to see you back in this council house. Keep your tail out of business that doesn't belong to you. Leave."

Defeated, I left the building with Yupo, Void still unconscious in my arms. Lost in thought, I had missed saying goodbye to Mint and Unit, half of my family, and followed Yupo to the platform that went to Yellowjacket kingdom. They wanted me to stay out of their business, but Void deserved more. He deserved justice and the Krovlotts deserved to die. Even if it's the last thing I do, nothing would stop me from wiping those vile creatures off the face of the universe.

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