Chapter Thirteen

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Edited: 5-20-24

Void's POV

Through the whole ordeal at the vet, I knew I wasn't going to get hurt - even when my blood was taken, but I couldn't help the overwhelming fear. I couldn't help the way my thoughts wouldn't form properly or how nothing was rationalized inside of my head. The way my body reacted and how overwhelming just sitting there felt - I didn't want Daeus to leave me, I didn't want him to let this doctor touch me. I had to look away, I just had to and hugging my alien really helped me to stay calm, although I was still tense and I couldn't focus.

At the feeling of something sliding over the end of my tail - the stinger - and clasping further down my tail to hold the fabric in place I let go of Daeus. The vet had clasped the material around my tail and it wasn't too tight, but it was the material over my stinger that intrgued me. I didn't have to think of the vet because there was something new and something that wasn't going to hurt me covering a very dangerous and hurtful part of me. A part of me that I never wanted, but now it was safe and I wouldn't hurt anyone with it.

Focusing on the odd appendage I'd never had to use before, I refrained from showing surprise as it complied and lifted up and over to my face. Reaching out with a tentative hand, I touched the end of the fabric, surprised that the stinger didn't break through. A small, girlish squeak left me at the thought of not having to worry about hurting someone. After all I've been through and how much I've been hurt, I would never hurt anyone or even dream of it.

Knowing now that I wouldn't get hurt, I swung the tail around, testing its flexibility and to make sure the fabric stayed in place. I also grabbed it to ensure it would stay on. To my surprise, it did and I jumped up, turning to Daeus and grabbing onto his front - my arms didn't make it around his torso, but without much thought, my wings bent forward and wrapped Daeus in a hug.

I wouldn't have to worry about hurting him, or me, or anything else because of this doctor and the material he gave me. I looked up at Daeus and smiled, not holding it back. I was happy. I was really, really happy. I didn't have to worry about my deadly neurotoxins in the stinger or just the sharpness of it. I wouldn't have to even think about it and no one would be hurt by me.

"I'm glad you like the sleeve, Void." Daeus said, smiling as he looked down at me. He ruffled my hair and I let go.

I must've surprised my Honeycomb as I turned to the doctor. He'd given me a gift. While I wouldn't nor couldn't bring myself to look into his eyes or even up at his face, I walked across the table and patted his hand that was holding onto the edge of it as thanks. He'd given me something to help keep me from hurting others and the least I could do was thank him.

Before the physical contact got to be too much, I darted back over to Daeus and looked up at him. Noticing he had the blanket draped over his shoulder, I took no regards to the words he was telling the doctor as I snatched it and wrapped it around my waist and over my tail. I tied it together and when it held in place, smiled at my work. I didn't want to be nude if I didn't have to and I'd need to somehow convey that to Daeus. If he could understand that then I could get some clothes and be able to be a lot more comfortable in my own skin.

"He seems to be in exceptional physical condition, but I can't tell you his mental state. We've never had humans before so I can't get you a specialist, but it seems from what you've said he may be at the mental state of a young Ehkad." The vet was speaking and I disliked the sound of his voice. It wasn't soothing like Daeus' nor soft like the lady I'd met earlier. I wanted to apologize to her - for acting the way I had. Obviously the water had also affected my mental state, but I couldn't complain. The sooner I recovered, the better off I'd be and if somehow what those Bugs had done to me had helped me with that, then that was one thing I could be grateful towards them for.

Daeus' eyes met mine and I raised my arms to him. He unerstood what I wanted and picked me up, holding me to his chest. With the wrapping on my tail, I didn't have to worry about accidentally stinging him and my wings were rested comfortably as well, the right one below me and the left one sticking over Daeus' arm. It was nice to not be hurting for one. Nice to not have to worry about being hurt. As long as I was with Daeus, I knew he wouldn't hurt me. He'd never hurt me nor put me in harms way.

"I do recommend you get a specially made harness and collar for him instead of trying to find one of a different species that might fit. Get his measurements and send them to someone who specializes in that type of work. I also reccomend getting a pool for your backyard and allowing him time to swim and play in the water. A bathtub isn't cut out for animals that like to play and swim." The vet was talking, but I wasn't worried about him. I didn't trust him, but he'd gotten me a gift so I could tolerate him. It was easier on my mind to just forget that he was there.

Daeus started to walk and I prepared myself for the outside, but ultimately closed my eyes and pretended like we were back at his home. "Don't worry, Yarley. I'll provide everything for Void. Thank you for the sleeve. I'll see you at his next appointment." Daeus went silent and I heard a door open. It wasn't long before I felt a breeze on my skin and through my feathers that I knew we were outside. That didn't matter though, I was in his arms. I was safe - yet . . . my eyes opened and I stared up at the big pastel blue sky, a foreign feeling inhabiting my body. Yes, the water was nice and I'd rather spend all day in the water than walking around on land - a new feeling because of my alterations, but the sky . . . it beckoned me. The sky called for me to lift my wings into the air and take off, soaring in the clouds and riding the thermals. Instincts foreign to my body overriding all of the thoughts that might have come to my mind.

If it wasn't for Daeus' hold on me, I probably would have taken off without any fear in the world. To be alone in a large sky, able to fly for miles without needing to land. It would be . . . spectacular. To be able to soar with the wind in my feathers and have the dark fiery red sun warming my back would be the best thing in the world and maybe one day I'd be able too. Well, flying would be third best.

Second best was swimming.

But the best thing in the world. The most amazing thing ever was my hero. My alien, Daeus.

Aliens: My Alien,  DaeusDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora