Chapter Fifteen

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"Void," Daeus spoke softly. "This is Yupo, my mate. You've met her before." He held me tightly, but I had no intention of getting down. In his arms she couldn't hurt me. I knew she didn't want to, but she wasn't Daeus. She was unknown, unfamiliar.

Yet, I felt bad for feeling upset and scared. Daeus trusted her so I should as well, right? "Why don't we all go sit down," Daeus' voice bordered on uncertainty and I looked at him. He would never harm me, nor get rid of me, but was I causing him problems? Did he truly care for me?

Daeus stepped back a few steps back so Yupo could come into the house. I watched with focused eyes as she went over to the couch and sat on it in the weird way that Honeycomb's sit on furniture. It was like watching a lion try to sit on a couch. Her front paws would never be on the couch, but her end was curled neatly back into a sitting position. Like any scared animal, I didn't want to take my eyes off of the predator, but like me, I also didn't want to keep looking at what scared me.

With the front door closed and the female sitting on the couch, I wanted to run back to my bed and hide under the second cover Daeus had given me. "Put him down, Daeus. Introducing a shy, scared Bond with force never works. He'll come to me when he wants." I heard her talking, that same soft voice as before, but nothing about her put me at ease and I felt agitated and anxious. I didn't like it.

"That's the thing, Yupo. I'm holding him because I've experienced that he prefers contact with me with things that scare him." Daeus's chest vibrated with his words and I closed my eyes, wishing I didn't have to deal with this. Deep down, I knew that the only way to get over my fear was to face it, but facing something that you've always been scared of is a really, really hard thing to do. "But . . . maybe. It's been a few days."

Movement startled me and I realized that Daeus was putting me down on the floor. I looked up at him with wide eyes and the moment he let go of me, I darted behind his front legs, hiding myself from the female's view. But, Daeus didn't stay in on spot, he walked over to the female and my heart dropped. He wasn't choosing her over me, he was trying to get me to like her, but it still hurt as he left me. I cried out, but when it caused the female to look at me, I darted off to Daeus' room and dove into my big fluffy dog-pillow I called a bed. I couldn't do it. I couldn't face my fears.

I was a coward and the tears that ran down my face was proof of that.

I don't know for how long I stayed in my bed, but when my nerves finally subsided and I realized that it was dark outside, I peiced together that it was night. I'd stopped crying a while ago, but my eyes were still raw and my chest felt tight with anxiety. It didn't shock me I'd stayed hidden all day, but . . . was she still here? Daeus was sleeping on his bed when I looked over so I assumed she had left, but . . . I had to make sure.

Tentatively, I got off of my bed and walked quietly down the hall. Honeycomb's have good hearing, but I didn't want to be noticed. I kept my tail curled up and off the floor and my wings were folded tightly against my back. Even I didn't hear my own footsteps on the floor as I walked. With one hand tracing the wall, I made my way back to the living room, surprised to see that the female was still here. She had her front legs up on the couch as she slept, taking up the whole couch.

She looked a bit squished as her end was curled tightly and her head was up on the arm rest. Her tail was laying off of the opposite arm rest and one of her back legs had fallen to the floor. She didn't snore or make a sound as she slept and I wondered if she was actually asleep. Why would Daeus let her sleep here? It spooked me to see her there, on our couch. I couldn't rationalize that this was her home too and she probably missed it, but deep down I knew that she belonged here and I couldn't be the reason she didn't have her home.

Cautiously, so I didn't wake her up, I got closer. She was asleep, no harm could come to me. Right? I just . . . wanted a closer look. Curiosity seized a hold of me. She looked so peaceful, despite her cramped position on the couch. Her face was relaxed and all four of her eyes were closed, her lips sealed shut in a thin line as her four nose slits opened and closed with each breath. Her tail flicked back and forth, slowly, in a lazy manner, as if spurred on by whatever she was dreaming.

True to what I'd observed the previous times I had seen her, the hexagon patterns on her fur were a lot more blotched than Daeus' and the doctor's and seemed more like patches than acutal hexagons, with only a small center of green. Like every other Honeycomb I'd seen, her animal half belly fur was also stark white without any hexagons on it and unlike Daeus, the white went half way up her torso before disappearing under a small, green shirt that covered her breasts.

As I got closer, I could feel the warmth radiating from her body. She was asleep, no harm was going to come to me. I had to keep repeating that to myself so I didn't freak out. I reached out with my right hand and tentatively made contact with her belly fur, shocked to find that it was softer than Daeus' and he had soft fur. As I continued to lightly brush her fur, I realized that she was okay. She wasn't waking up and she wasn't an evil person. She wasn't out to get me and she wasn't going to hurt me. She cared for Daeus and because of that she cared for me. Right?

Without a second thought, or really a first thought, I climbed up onto the small space between her and the couch and nestled up against her stomach, my wings pressed lightly against her. With her front legs just a foot or two away from my head, I realized I felt safe next to her. Sure she was asleep, but . . . she was also kind - I knew it. Daeus trusted her and my gut told me to trust her. Her fur was so soft and she's always spoken in soft, gentle words in the few times I'd heard her talk.

I didn't know why I chose to climb up beside the female, nor why I trusted her enough to leave myself vulnerable. But as I fell asleep, I couldn't help but feel okay.

Aliens: My Alien,  DaeusHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin