Nina Jake III

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Part three cuz part two originally got a lil too long heh


"Did you see that?" She said but judging from the looks on their faces, she already knew the answer. Will looked at her and told her that she had to leave. "What? Why?" Nina had absolutely no idea what was going on but these guys were starting to seriously freak her out. Will grabbed her hand and looked her dead in the eyes. "There's no time to explain. You have to go. Now!" The determination in his voice made her want to listen. It made her want to run out of the door, down the street, down the block and not stop until she was miles away. Another part of her understood that he was about to put himself in danger and she wanted to help.

She didn't have time to decide because in that moment, the lady burst back out the door to the kitchen, slamming it against the wall with such force the hinges broke and the door fell to the floor.

Nico pushed Nina forcefully but at the same time with a gentleness that allowed her to understand that he didn't want to hurt her. He just wanted to push her to safety. She landed with a thud on her left arm behind an enormous dark green armchair. Pain shot through the arm and up to the shoulder but she eventuall managed to force herself into her knees, peeking over the top of the fabric on the hideous armchair.

What she saw was odd, to say the least. The lady stood about seven or maybe eight meters away from Nina. Her face was covered in small cuts and at her feet there was a pile of splinters, formerly a chair Nina assumed. She was still in her waiters uniform but it had some rips and cuts and a toy arrow was stuck to her thigh. You know one of these small plastic ones in vibrant colors with suction cups? Yeah one of those. She opened her mouth and growled. Yup you heard me. Growled. This was not a normal growl either. It was 100% inhumane.

The crazy lady threw herself against Will and Nico who stood next to the armchair Nina was hiding behind.
Will was holding a neon yellow plastic bow and was aiming a matching toy arrow at the crazy lady. Nico was standing next to him, clutching a... was that a ruler? Yeah, a long ruler darker than others but definitely a ruler.

Will let go of the plastic arrow that soared through the air and would have stuck to her chest, right where the heart is, if she hadn't somehow twisted with immense speed, causing the suction cup of the toy to stick to her arm instead. It really didn't seem painful at all. The bow and arrows were toys for kids after all but the woman stumbled backwards, hissing at the boys.

With no hesitation, Nico sprang forward and slashed her across her chest with his ruler before she had managed to regain her balance. Nina was surprised(and quite terrified to be honest)to see that the ruler cut through the fabric of the uniform as it it were butter. Blood started to spread around the cut over her chest but it couldn't have been that bad as she simply hissed and threw herself onto Nico, her sharp nails ready to tear his face. All around him, the shadows darkened. Or so Nina thought but that couldn't have been right, right?

Nina must have zoned out for a split second because Nico was all of a sudden at the door opening, just a few meters behind the maniac who instead of catching the scary boy clawed with no luck at the air and crashed into a table, slid over the top and fell as it turned, landing underneath it. Nina almost laughed. It was too much for her. Too much crazy weirdness. The plastic arrows, the ruler, the psycho waiter who flipped a table, everything. They all acted so serious too, as if was a fight between life and death.

Nico grunted in pain and gripped his shoulder. Dark blood spilled from the wound on his shoulders. The lady's claws did that?!
Across the room from Nico, worry filled Wills eyes.
"Nico are you okay?!" He half yelled, glancing back and forth between him and the woman trying to push the table off of her.
"Yeah, fine" Nico muttered, rolling his shoulder and grimacing.

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