Walk You Home

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"Every time I see a bench
I want to sit down for a moment"



All my life i learned that the blame is always at the end. It has always depends on the outcome and it had me thinking. Why it is in the end, why don't we feel those during in the start or during the process.

Regret is always been on the end when it's too late for everything.

If only things evolving around us are only the good things in life then everyone wouldn't feel such pain.

There are times i would feel I'm worthless because all i can do is blame myself for the trouble i have done to my family and everyone around me. I was only a stupid boy who knew nothing about life.

Whatever happens we can't blame those unpredictable outcomes to other but ourselves. I can only imagine how much i have been happy if i did the right thing but also a part of me is telling that would i have been happy if i did what's right?

The future is unpredictable.

I would even thought that i would ended up in prison in the first place. Times has change and it's making the world go mad.

" hey jeno can i talk to you for a second.." yangyang said.

At the moment we are in our cells as the other are busy doing their business outside since today was a body test to see if we are healthy enough. Me and yangyang were the first one to finish that's why we are here in the first place.

" yeah go ahead" i said as he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the corner of the room.

I didn't know what he was thinking about but i believe this is something important.

" okay listen.. I already told doyoung hyung about this and i wanted to tell you this right now because it's only fair for you to also know it" he said.

He was looking serious and he kept his voice low even though i know only the two of us are here right now.

" okay.." i said. It was questionable from the way he said it.

" so someone just offered me a mission. If we done it, when i said we you also need to participate, we will get a special prize. I know you are sick and tired of this place so he is-"

" wait hold on- can you talk slowly?" i said. Yangyang is going on too fast and i can't catch up with him.

" I'll keep it short okay.. We are going to get out of this place"

After yangyang told me about everything we kept silent. For the mean time i was thinking about all the things he just told me.

I couldn't belive him at first but when he told me that he just snuck inside of the officials office then i knew he wasn't joking about it. It took me some time to realize that when he said that 'we' are in a mission that means i also have to do them a favor so i can get out.

I believe that they would find me useless because they didn't seek for my help in the first place but yangyang had to drag me into this plan because he wanted for the three of us live our lives outside of this bars.

I didn't thought that yangyang would do that for me and doyoung hyung. I thought he only think that we are just strangers he met inside of the prison.

" hey jeno are you okay?" doyoung came inside as he was looking at me. He looked at yangyang and he gave doyoung hyung a nod. Doyoung hyung came towards me and patted my back as he sat down next to me.

" didn't expect that don't you?" he said.

" not at all.. "i said. I went to the sleeping bag and rest my head on the pillow. I need to take a rest, i don't know why am acting this was.

If I'm someone else i would be jumping in joy and screaming because i can finally be free but why.. Why can't i feel that way.

Is this because of the harsh reality that if i got out of these bars people will see a monster that deserve to rot in prison. If i only chose the other way then i wouldn't ended up in here.

If yangyang is telling me this then there must be a reason. I can't predict what will happen to me if i join yangyang. Am i able to live a normal life? Can i work in a decent job? Will my hell life will turn around into something i had dreamef of?

All of this because of a simple contract.


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