Chapter 18

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Chess. The game if wits and strategy.

Logan didn't leave today. I don't know why but he didn't.

Finding him here was quite the shock let me tell you. I'd just finished washing the dishes from breakfast and I was kind of down. Doing them always reminds me of that first morning I'd spent here, when Logan told me he would be much worse than anything I was running from.

Hence, I was kind of lost in thought. Arguing with myself and what not. I was kind of just staring at my wrinkled, soggy hands because I'd run out of dishes to continue with the chore. Warm ass fingers touch at my cheek and I jump a little from shock, before whipping my head to Logan.

I would have jumped away from an unknown hand caressing my face when my house is suppose to be empty. But I, on instinct never flinch from one's touch. I hate to just give these demons response to be heartless and crass.

Nope they gotta work for that shit or do it without reason. I'm very done blaming myself for their abuses. Something my psychology classes have taught me many victims tend to do.

I'm also kind of on edge because I'm experiencing the last of my vision and a lot of the stuff I saw just aren't happening. Nothing like that happens to me. I mean even when I did do something that was out of ordinary back in South Africa, I always just somehow ended up doing something that lands me in the exact right moment so that my vision was perfectly correct anyway.

I mean I'm happy, I am. But lost too. Where my visions wrong? Do I ever even see my son? If he even exists. Why aren't I going out to experience life if there's even a possibility it could still be a mystery to me?

He's kind of just staring at this point, "always thinking too hard."

And somehow that translated to chess. I honestly don't understand but I'm on my toes. We've played three games and I haven't won any, "keep playing."

I sag my shoulders and look at this man with so much pain. It wasn't even consciously but he seemingly feels eyes on him, because he looks up sees my face and smiles that Logan smile. A familiar emptiness comes over me and I can only stare.

Dispite this I speak, "can I wave my white flag? I can't do this no more. I'm good at chess I am. I promise I am. Hell, I was the captain of my high school chess team but you have legit beat me in five moves one time."

He chuckled lowly, "so eager to give up? I can tell you history isn't kind to quitters."

"Yes, back when Moses sat behind you in kinder garden and there was still so much to do in the world, gramps. But here, in 2019, is important to understand when one has been bested and I... should have seen this coming three games ago."

The cocky bastard leant back and locked his hands behind his head, flexing his arms, "fine I will permit quitting but only on condition."

" I agree to all terms."

"Are you sure about th at Angel, you've not the slightest clue what I could want."

I just looked at him brow raised questioningly and I'll admit with some curiosity. Him and his damn mind games. There was always a trick, if not a trick a catch if not that then a fine print one should have read nd so on and so forth.

Me being me have lost all interest in his complicated anatomy. Even if my life depends on my desifering him. So fuck it, let the man do his worst.

"Truth or dare." I laughed. And I even voiced the reasons for said action, "so childish."

How long have I been alone with the voices in my head? I don't know but the lack of human contact is either making me dumb as shit or crazy as fuck.

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