Chapter 5

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Saturday. The boys left, where? I have no clue. I had been in the living room for hours now trying to desifer the bomb sight that was my new bosses business.

Speaking as someone who advised huge corporations on the best way to expand and out due any their competitors I can honestly say it's a miracle the business is even still staying afloat. It was in debt though so...

I stretched my stiff back and ended up leaning back on the couch. I looked around my apartment thoughtfully. I was really the only one who used this space. Logan and Landen both spent most of their time in their respective rooms or out doing...

Honestly speaking I haven't ever asked but... neither boy was ever one to you know... speak to me. I will admit all our walls seemed to be lowered at meals. A lot of those meals were in Spanish.

I stretched once again and stood. Something in me wanted to snoop and that was never good so I picked up my phone and dialed the only number on my contact list.

It picked up on the third ring, "hello...,"

"Auntie?" I said hopefully, there was silence on the line for a moment.

"Tsegofatso? Is that you? How have you been nana how are things at the firm?"

I smiled lightly at the sound of her voice. Maybe lonely any needy for attention but it felt evident I only wanted it from people who felt like home... I chuckled a bit at my insensitivity... how could I not tell my aunt I had left.

"I wouldn't know auntie but I could guess they are still fine even without me...,"

"What are you on about now silly child," I could actually hear silly children in the background on her end of the call. I chuckled again when she scolded said children before the lone became more quiet.

My aunt Sine was really the only family member I still had contact with. I loved her like a sister though and I showed that love like she was my best friend.

In actuality she was my only friend. I felt kind of bad for not mentioning my move to her.

"Are you still there," I quickly came out from under the blanket of my thoughts. A subconscious smile on my lips.

"Yes I'm here, I'm also... in America...,"

Silence on both ends... I awaited a reaction, nervously shuffling around my apartment.

"Come again. Did I hear you correctly? You left the continent?! Why didn't you tell me?"

I laughed, "oh don't be so dramatic. Yes I left, I'm renting am apartment, I quit my job...,"

"What!," she said and I  had to distance myself from the phone and actually stop my subconscious pacing.

"Volume...," I really said as my gaze stoped at Landen's door. Did he ever lock it? I reached out to the knob, fingers lightly brushing.

"Modimo give me patience... are you seriously even surprised that I am this surprised. Don't you tell me what to do with my voice. I swear I-," she cut herself off with a deep sigh.

"I'm sorry... I didn't tell you. Talk to you but... I just needed this I needed...," to live. To get away. To breathe.

"I know...," her voice was more gentle now, "how.. how is it?"

"Boring," I said way too quickly and we laughed before again we went silent.

"I love you," I said quietly after some time and she didn't answer for a long time.

"I love you.... I gotta go." Then the line went dead and I leant me head on the door. Do I feel better now?

"Trouble in paradise?" I startled and leapt easy from the door like I'd been caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

"W what?" Landen raised a perfect brow, hands in pockets. He looked relaxed but something in his eyes raged. Was he angry with me for being so close to his room.

I mean I'll admit it doesn't look so great and I was itching to snoop.

"Boyfriend troubles?" I let out an unladly like snort at the question before out right laughing. Me... boyfriend. No...

I quickly cleared my throat, "no no um... just checking on family,"

I looked down at my clothed feet. The fuzzy insides of the socks brushing against my toes.

"So.. how was your day?"

"Angel if you want to be in my room all you have to do...," when did he get so close. His shadow was darkening my toes. His warm finger hooked under my chin and tilted upward.

My breathe hitched, the way he looked at me..., "all you had to do was ask."

His hand was drawn away from me by that of Logan. He looked at Landen reproachfully before turning his gaze to me. I blinked he smiled, something about even that smile warned me. Told me he was holding himself back.

"Angel...," he said to me and I hummed in response. They were... very close right now. I couldn't think straight. I was barely able to breathe.

"That's rude. Use words when you speak to people. Now, Landen and I were thinking of going out. Care to join?"

" I... yes."

With that he then dragged his brother away and threw, "where something nice ya." Over his shoulder before they both disappeared behind his door.

I went to close myself behind my own. They smell amazing. I could  feel their body heat on my own body. It all left me feeling... some type of way.

I collapsed on my bed, eyes shut, "well now..., " I said to myself as I thought about what I just agreed to, "I'm screwed."

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