Chapter 7

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I was in their really nice, really expensive looking Mercedes Benz with the two men draped in designer clothing while we drove away from their three bed room condo. I shook my head.

"The two of you make no sense."

Logan was upfront driving this sexy ass beauty while Landen sat at back with me. Slightly slouching with his arm behind my seat.

Both had been lost in their own worlds. I didn't bother checking if I even caught anyone's attention. Something just didn't add up. And I just didn't like it.

"How can you even afford this car and still need a third roommate to pay rent? Why are you never actually home? Where are we going?"

Silence. My gaze was outward on the passing scenery, but I felt their's on me. It's cool though I could wait for answers. The only question was... would they give them to me or would I take them.

"Be careful what you ask for... you'd be shocked by the answers. The consequences."

I looked into the rearview mirror locking eyes with Logan. I could see him looking at me through the reflection. I kind of wanted to sink between the cracks of this car and disappear,  but I more so needed to meet his intensity with my own.

"Skip the dramatics and get to the truth of the situation."

A dark chuckle escaped Landen's thinned lips. His grip on my seat was tight, "if the lady wants the truth. Who are we to deny her."

His sharp glare turned to me. I'd been watching the side of his face, trying to ignore a sinking feeling, "we're going to a club, darling."

His warm fingers ran across my cheek, "braise yourself."

Then there was silence and... and fear. Thick, sinking fear. I chose not to disturb either.

We walked right into the club when we arrived. Neither man touched me, I followed as the music sank into my ear drums and I caught sight of countless bodies grinding and sinking into the sultry atmosphere. We went up stairs.

There were rooms covered by thick red curtains. They seemed like cliché accessories to a bad situation. We walked past them all and turned a corner. Were they always planning to take me here? Or had I dug this grave myself?

There was one more room. A single one in this hallway. The dark red curtain shielding it from view. A grip on my wrist told me I'd stopped moving. I found my feet and again kept moving.

Both men opened the curtain and we walked in. I looked around. Speakers that were stagnant, a strip pole with a small stage formed the centre of the room. Couches circled the center. In the dead center of these couches as a final ornament in the room, sat a man.

"Is this the niña you told me about?" The man asked. He was an older fellow, yet handsome. He wore a crisp suite.

Neither sibling spoke, they simply sat on the other two couches on either side of the couch in which the man resided.

I stood. He spoke, "don't you suppose she should be downstairs?"

"No," Landen spoke. The man chuckled into the glass of liquor tilted to his lips just barely.

"Puedes ser un malvado hijo da puta." The man stated and I chilled (you can be an evil son of a bitch).

My eyes were held by clear green ones, I sensed someone behind me. I couldn't take my gaze away though, no matter now badly I wanted to. My eyes welled up scared tears.

That's the last thing I did before I felt a needle pierce the skin of my neck and my eyes roll back in my head. Then I went into unconsciousness...

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