Chapter 8

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N/A: still a bit... graphic... but better

"Leave us," Mrs Burnham was already gone. The masked man dropped the chained was undoing. He walked out.

Logan spoke, "listen carefully Angel. I'm not one to ever repeat myself."

I was still leant on his side, feeling weak for so many more reasons, "your room is prepared," tears ran down my face. That's when I was ready to beg, ready to plead and scream. Anything. I didn't want to end up like that poor girl.

He presses a finger to my lips, "sshh baby sshh." He wiped my tears from my eyes. I lightly shook my head. Silently pleading with him.

"As I was saying. Seeing as we both know you have extraordinary abilities - don't you dare try to interupt me with lies we know the truth - now... personally I would like to keep you around, but it seems you can't let well enough alone. So this is the only time I will ask you Angel.

The next time you find yourself here will be the very last day you stay on this earth. Are we understood?"

I nodded profusely to which he gently smiled. Brushing hair from face as he chuckled, "What would you prefer? The perfect little life we've provided for you or... the harsh reality."

"You. I want you, our apartments, our life," broke into sobbs, "please."

"Good. We will not be revisiting this topic again. Now the night is still young. What do you think can we still take her out?"

"No. Let's just go. David called, we have business to attend to." Honestly I was relieved. So we went home and I let darkness consume me. All alone in the confines of my covers.

It was there that I let questions consume me. Sobbs rack my body. And an intense home sickness that burdened me even in my sleep.

I woke like yesterday didn't happen and the world wasn't a different place. 'It's the same world, you just look at it differently.'

I sighed and left my safe warm bed for a shower and some work. Might as well get my mind off things. The guys left after dropping me off and telling me to 'behave', they didn't come back.

Not that I minded at all. I made breakfast and worked on financial statements as I ate. Time ran away with me and I had somewhat managed the receipts and payments of the business by lunch.

I got up and stretched. I still had so many questions,  last night only added more. For one... why are they letting me live?

I mean I am very happy to be alive but I just need to know why. That way whatever it is I can keep doing it. I mean I could just run. Go home or anywhere but here and forget any of this shit ever happened.

Landen who? What is a California? America? Can't say I've heard of it.

Now that sounded like the best idea I ever had...

"You're awake." My heart leapt from my chest as Landen layed on my forehead. He chuckles against my skin as if he felt my shock through the still intrusive lips.

I figured it was about time I went back to my room. Logan's hand settled on my lap holding me still, "we have to talk so. Sit,"

'Hey look you're their bitch. Ha!'

I looked his at patience radiating from me when all of wanted was to cuss every damn person in this room out. There wasn't an emotion to be found on my features I knew just as I Logan's eyes searched for any. Holding silence, the lack of feeling in my features seemed to make him smile. Amused.

Gosh what I would do to burry my fist in his face, "believe it or not, it was not in our intesion to bring you to that club last night.

We were going to take you out to a nice dinner however since you still seem a little upset by last night's events....," I nearly blinked...  a little bit upset. I watched a young girl being tortured. I begged you for my life... I didn't try to help her

'I was scared. Terrified.'

Does that soumd like an excuse? Am I excused.

"Oh, don't look so sad dear. Didn't you want the truth?"

I just stared at him. He seemed to be waiting for an answer so I answered,

"I do want the truth." My answer seemed to take 'll the sweetness from his features so I added, "I went about getting those answers incorrectly though."

He stroked my cheek, "so smart..." he seemed to get back to what he had previously been talking about, "we would like to make it up to you. Though, you should have watched your smart mouth we could have handled you differently. Anyways... what would you like to do?"

I thought about this carefully,  my ass running far as away. Oh yes, but I also don't want to be caught. What are the odds they could find me?

"Pizza and questions?" I asked hopefully. Landen chuckled darkly next to me as he played with a strand of hair that escaped my bun. I really had to fight not to panic.

"Respectfully. I will understand if you guys choose not to answer but... how am supposed to react accordingly to a situation I know nothing about?" I spoke carefully and tilted slightly to the more hot headed brother. I needed to assess the situation.

Understand my options. Logan spoke,

"Pizza and questions sounds like fun I'll order."

The pizza arrived we sat around it on the coffee table on our knees. My work had been put away and all eyes were on me. I grabbed a slice of pizza chewing thoughtfully.

"Why why am I here?" I waited for a reaction.

Landen, to my shock and awe answered, "we wanted you."

Okey. Answers nothing.

"What happened... to me. Last night," this was a dangerous one.

Logan raised a brow, "You were taken to an extraction location."

'Exraction location?' He must have seen the question.

"The supernatural exists. I mean you would know... the...," he seemed to searched for word, "chemical build up of a supernatural can be harnessed and used."

'To give an old lady her face back?'

I was kind of still lost but I could figure it out in sure... in my own space and time for now though. I listened.

"The process isn't pretty but we do what we must."

"So you do it? For... yourselves...," are you guys old dude that use magic to look young.

He chuckled, "no beauty... eat. Enough questions."

With that the conversation was ended and they both conversed over my head in Spanish, adding me into to the conversations now and then...

Oh so we're back to normal... good. Imma leave your crazy asses.

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