Chapter 9

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Dedicated to friskriel thank you for every vote. 🙈🙈😜😜😜 and my most awesome fam i_see_indarkershades she inspires me.

I love work. What's not to love it has distraction and occupation not to mention it's lack of strange men, who threaten your life then start getting touchy. Leaving kisses lingering on you and letting you wake up to one of em watching you sleep.

I sighed what has my life become? I didn't feel like doing much talking so I stayed on the floor, letting Drake man the cash register. I moved boxes helped customers and did separation of goods. All of witch was hard work but I appreciated the change.

Lunch break came and I found myself and Drake eating quietly. He'd tried and failed to hold conversation and that was all my fault. I kind of felt bad,  taking my frustrations out on him so half an hour in to our hour long break I spoke, "would you rather... spend a week wearing nothing but painted on clothing or get in a bath tub full of mice whilst covered in peanut butter...," my voice was quiet.

I didn't think he'd answer,  not after how I'd been acting all day. And for a long time he didn't but then he said in his cheerful voice, "how long would my furry bath be exactly?"

I felt relief flood through me and I don't even care why, "as long as it takes to remove every last fibre of peanut butter from your naked body."

A bright pink blush coated his cheeks and I struggled not laugh. He's so cute, "definitely the painted clothing. What if they bite the wrong nuts? "

I burst laughing, his facial expression hinting that he struggled not to reach down and  protect the jewels, "would you rather eat a spider sandwich or meet Donald Trump to tell him he's doing a great job?"

"Would these spiders be cooked?"

He seemed to think over it for a moment, "only if it's tarantulas and you leave the hair on...,"

I shivered hard, "definitely the sandwich but I'm only taking one bite."

"Let's hope they weren't protecting spider babies in their furry butts."

"Gross," he burst laughing, "You're such a troubled young man."

"Then why are you smiling," he said, looking deflated from laughter.

"Because you're my troubled young man." And just like that he was back to blushing. I reached out and pinched a cheek. He slapped the hand and away, "quite it."

We spent the rest of the day laughing and joking. And for a second I felt weightless. Like all my problems didn't exist. What a wonderful feeling.

I had arrived home kind of late because I had the added task of counting the day's earnings and taking it to the bank. A task I should really do sporadically as to not catch attention from thieves.

Also I should advice Stephanie to practice separation of duties. I could rob her right now and she'd never know. I mean I am the only one who's currently taking care of all her money. I won't but to give me the option is just not smart business. I'll mention it tomorrow.

The apartment was silent and I was tired. I didn't feel like cooking so I just went to bed and collapsed. Drake is definitely taking back half of the duties on the floor tomorrow. My poor lady muscles were screaming, but I stood and stripped. Putting on a big shirt and snuggling under the blankets.

The gliding of cold ass fingers on my cheek woke me. My blurry eyes tried to adjust to the silhouette of an intruder, "may I join you beauty....," Logan.

He'd been watching me sleep every night since the pizza day where I asked questions. I would just wake to him sitting at to head of my bed unblinking, kind of creepy. But not something I want to address now, I have work in the morning.

I moved over giving him room and faced away from him. He could take that as any answer he wanted I didn't care. I felt the bed dip with his weight before he gathered me up in his arms burried his faces in my neck. I brushed my fingers against his arm, that lay against my stomach. The hairs if his arm tickling my fingertips as I drifted back to sleep.

He had the most... still face when he slept. Almsot like he was even really asleep, it made me jumpy... nervous even, "Logan." The whisper had his lids flipping open like picture books. We were facing each other with my arms pressed against his chest that strangely felt too still. His breathing was very subtle. He wouldn't let me slip from his grip.

"Let me go shower," his grip loosened and he slid off the bed. His back to me, I found myself sitting up but not moving. Simply curious to see what he'd do. His head tilted to the side, shoulders tense, back rigid.

"Landen would like you to go to his room after work," and he moved to exit.

"What did he just tell you that," he laughed breathlessly at that.

"You mean with twin telepathy? Come on Angel you can do better."

My cheeks heated and he slipped from my confines. I let my body sprawl on my bed limply.... Landen would like to see me huh. Why did it feel like I was getting called to the principle's office? The boys were letting me alone for now and with the way they were acting it almost felt like none of the bad ever happened.

I had to actively remind myself who they where nd what they did to keep some spark of anger and indignince. It was easier when my nightmares would remind me exactly what I was to them. What they did to people but not when they were nice to me. Not when they stayed home and just made my day like they had been doing for the past week.

It was hard to remember I didn't want to be here when life seemed so good. Gosh what wrong with me....

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