Everybody loves you

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Deku...no Izuku stared blankly at his desk as the teacher spewed useless lessons. He closed his eyes and felt the bags under them. He felt so tired. So tired of trying, so tired of existing, so tired of surviving, so tired of seeing everyone around him slowly stab him not only the back but only everywhere.

He sat here in his middle school, waiting for the clock to tick and flick at his head. To remind him that his gentle heart could break at any moment. By the hands of a blonde, red-eyed monster.

A tormenter restricting Izuku's heavenly breathing. Oh, how Izuku dreaded the last 5 minutes of last period. The last few minutes of him numbing the pain that ensued inside of him. The hate inflicted on him. The pain reverberating him. The fault clawing at him.

He felt the sky shatter when the bell ringed. It was like ringing in his ears. A warning. A reminder of his anxiety. A messenger of depression. Reminding him to get ready for the pain, the agony, the shame, the fault, and the rage that will be inflicted on him. 

Izuku felt tense when he was left with the 3 boys leaning on their desks. The 2 of them insignificant until this very moment. But one clawing at him ever since he gained his flashy quirk. His ego, his disgusting pride took hold of his demeanor. Izuku gulped at the sight of the trio. He felt tears well up in his eyes as they inched closer spitting hateful remarks for shits and giggles. For fun.

They kicked him, they punched him, they tormented him, they broke him. Izuku didn't try today. To get up. To fend for himself. He just laid there taking all of the blows. Twisting his heart, breaking his mind, and puncturing his body. 

He felt the sky fall on top of his whole body. The sharp words that sliced his mentality his well being. Destroyed him. 

Took away everything. This day was so resentful. So terrible

When they were done with him. When he got boring. The other to left and one stayed. Like a mixed drink with 3 parts to taste. The first sip disgusted your tongue, the gulp burned your throat, and the consumption burned your whole body. That consumption was Katsuki.

The monster standing over the fallen angel. He held a straight face. No smirks, no laughs, no expressions. Just the words that fell from his mouth made Izuku really shatter just like the sky. He shuddered at the cruel words spoken to him. The words that will forever bring tears. 

And might even cause death.

"You want a quirk that bad, well then pray that in your next life you'll get one after you swan-dive off a bridge."

He threw the notebook Izuku had written in at his face and spat at the boy on the floor. 

Just as the monster was about to leave he heard the sky fall as well.

He heard the pain leave Izuku's mouth.

"Why am I so worthless"

"What did I do"

"Why is everything my fault"

"Maybe I should"

"I deserve this"

Izuku came to a realization. He doesn't need prayers to be glorified by gazing into death's dark eyes.

"It's my body and I'm trying to hate you 'cause I want to"

"It's my body and I'm trying to while everybody loves you"

"It's my body and I'm trying to forgive you, I don't want to"

"It's my body and it hates you, why does everybody love you?"

"Why does everybody love you?"

"They don't know enough about you"

"Do they know that I regret you?"

"Do they know I shouldn't have to?"

"Why does everybody love you?'

'They don't know enough about you'

"Do they know that I regret you?'

"Do they know I shouldn't have to?"

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