Chapter 20

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             OK This is my 20th chapter and I don't know what you readers are thinking about the book please comment on this book and I'm most definitely up for suggestions. Thank you ,peace out: )

            "Wow."He knows me too Well.I had all kinds of horse things.I looked at all my new stuff,an orange brush,gray reins, an ed sheeran saddle blanket (it was just a black saddle blanket with orange ed sheeran words painted on.),all the stuff to wash the horse with,and everything else I could think of."Wow"I said again.I love this.He put me down so I could investigate.I looked at all of my stuff for ed.I ran up to him and hugged him as tight as I could.I kissed him gratefully and clearly he appreciated it.He he. He told me goodnight and kissed me again and I hit the sack.I woke up the next morning and instantly ran to Hailey's closet and put on some skinny jeans with a neon pink tanktop.I grabbed all of the horse stuff and ran out the door.I got in the shed and found ed through all of the horses.I Put all of his  equipment on,and put on my new helmet.I got up on the saddle and rode out the door.I didn't even put make up on this morning that's how excited I was.I did nothing except run around the beach and it was amassing. I heard galloping behind me.

              "your dad is going to murder you".Zander said.


              "You scared him."

              "I'll go talk to him."I pulled the rains to the left towards the house.I tied the reins on the railing of the house I don't think it's going anywhere.I walked inside."Hey dad what's up."He ran up to me and hugged me.Then he smacked me.

              "Why would you could this to me?You sacred me so much!You didn't even leave a note."

              "Dad I'm really sorry I won't do it again."

              "Just... tell me when... you go out."he said like he was broken. I nodded and walked out the door.I untied the horse and got on the saddle.I made the horse run over to Zander.Zander was sitting on the beach holding a Lilly.

             "Is that for me?"I said softly.He looked up at me and smiled.

             "yah it is."I got off the horse and walked towards him.He put the Lilly in my hair lovingly.I kissed him lightly.I smiled at him and we got on our horses.We just slowly trotted around the beach for hours When he said,"will you marry me in 15 years"


             " why do you love me?"

             "I can't explain how my heart works but I know what it wants.  (That line speech was taken from the amassing world of gumball so cartoon network please don't Sue me for using this line: ) ) and it wants you."He smiled.

             "I feel the same way."he said softly. We rode for a couple more hours "Hey I have a surprise for you."

             "What is it?"I said.

             "You'll see"we ran to the shed and got off the horses.We gave them some food and water.Zander quickly cleaned their stables and we took their equipment off.I walked ed into his stable and patted his muzzle one last time. I walked with Zander inside the house.We sat on the couch and the lights dimmed the fire started and we curled up together.Twilight came on.I gasped.Yay.This is going to be fun.I hugged him and he put his arm around my shoulder as we watched the movie. And when I thought nothing could get better the maid brought us popcorn and candy and soda. Yay!When I thought things couldn't go wrong... Jacob took his shirt off and I started drooling.Zander saw this.He paused the movie.Woah. Jacob on pause... Oh yeah!I felt eyed burning into the back of my head.I looked away which was kinda hard.:,(I akwardly giggled.I saw him staring at me giving me that are you serious kind of look.

               "I love you."I said akwardly.

               "Your so weird."he said as I laughed so hard I cried from embarrassment."Kill me now."he said which made me laugh even harder.He laughed softly and turned the movie back on. We watched (finally) eclipse and we got the the line where Jacob says,"let's face it Edward I'm much hotter than you."I guess I fidgeted, cause Zander looked at me like he was going to murder me.I giggled.Then when Bella and Jacob kissed I lost it.Zander had really made me laugh just by looking at his face.It was halairious.I freaking loved this,we watched all of the movies.Yes the breaking dawn movies were a little akward but we had fun.


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