chapter 1

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        "What do you mean I'm flying alone?"I shouted,terrified that I was hearing things.

        "Kim,we think your old enough to take your own plane,"mom said.

        "But mom!"

        "You need to learn to do things by yourself!Your going on your own!"


        "Up-up-up I don't want any buts Kim."

        I angrily stomped out of the room.To be honest I'm not even mad I'm scared I'm afraid of heights and I'm doing this all by myself.

        "Time to go Kim!"my mom shouted from the living room.

        " uhhh" I said lazily I grabbed my suitcases and got in the car.

        "Your going to be fine I promise you that"My mom said like,5 minutes after we started driving.

        "Mmm hmm"I said.

        "Your plane 14 don't miss it."

        "K"I said.We drove for about 10 minutes in silence then finally we got there.We got out of the car and walked inside.

        My mom hugged me and said" I promise your going to be ok,I love you"

        I was so scared I was almost in tears."I love you too mom"She kissed me on the forehead and told me were to go and that I'll be 100% fine.Then we both said bye and she left.I started walking to the bag mover thingie and some dude walked right into me."Hey!"I said I dropped all of my bags and my sunglasses.

        "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry"the boy said as be looked up I really got to looking at his facial features;(he was pretty cute actually) he had spiked up light brown hair and a dark blue shade for his eyes.

       "It's fine"I said. As I went to go grab my sunglasses we both reached at the same time and we touched hands by accident.I akwardly giggled and said "whoops"all akward.He handed me my sunglasses "thanks"

      "Hey,it's no problem."he said with a sparkly smile.So I smiled back."First time alone"

      "Yah-wait how did you know?"

      "Well clearly you don't understand the traffic flow"he joked I laughed."What flight are you on?"

      "14"I replied.

      "Great same as me.We'll go together."he said.He put my bags on that thing and then he did every other little thing we had to do at an airport.Then he walked me over to the place where we entered the plane we saw a huge airplane through the glass window and that scared me even more.

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