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Hello my fantastic readers, as the title indicates, this is the final chapter; the one where we part from Samira and Vincent.

Some of you may wish like me that the story shouldn't end, but our main characters want to have some privacy now when they are no longer hunted.

I'd like to thank every one of you personally, so if you'd kindly travel to Sweden I will buy you some fika and we can chat about stories for a while.

Or perhaps we'll meet again in a different story. 

Take care!

* * * * * * * * * * * *

'Can you hurry up in there?'

I untangle from Vincent with a snicker. 'Yeah we're coming' I send back to Esme.

Vincent takes my hand. "We had to seize the moment." He gives one of the sizzling smiles that makes me flutter inside. "We don't know when the little angel will be cooperating again."

I snicker and squirm as he tries to grab me while we walk out to our guests.

I doubt that there is anyone other than she who had noticed our absence. My mother holds our little daughter and her eyes are filled with tears as she looks dotingly at her.

"Hello my little Angelia, I'm so proud that your mommy and daddy accepted my family name," I hear my mother croon and roll my eyes inwardly at the irony. Who could have imagined how ironic that family name would turn out when they took me in all those years ago?

"There she is; the new mother."

My thoughts are interrupted by a voice I recognise, and a smile lighten up my features. "Eddie!" I hug my friend who has showed up.

"Yeah, I'm not here to check up on you," she teases. "It's okay to take a maternity leave."

"Thank you, you're very generous boss."

"I try..." she smiles wickedly. "So where is the little angel?"

I roll my eyes inwardly once again but smiles on the outside. "You'll have to pry her off my mother if you want to hold her."

"I think I'll wrestle her easily." Eddie wiggles her brows and I laugh out loud as I walk after her towards my mother and my little daughter and watch the two adults exclaim pleasantries and hug each other like long lost friends or relatives.

A warm feeling surge through me and I instinctively know that this is all that is important in life. The ordinary Tuesday where you are surrounded by family and friends is highly underestimated.

I watch my friend and mother croon with my daughter and feel truly blessed.

"You're not standing here, getting misty-eyed are you?" Esme lay an arm around my shoulder and I can feel magic swirl from her.

I take a deep breath and exhale with a smile on my face. "I feel blessed," I say defensively. "How are you and Damian?"

"He's away on 'family business'." She makes airquotes, making it sound like the vampire stuff it most likely is.

"But you're okay?"

A smile comes and goes over her features. "Yes, it is actually very fine." She sound surprised. "I haven't been with anyone for a while now that hasn't freaked out totally when they found out what I am and what I can do."

I shrug my brows, understanding what she means. "And Damian doesn't freak out?"

"No," she says surprised. "He can hold his own and it seems we are quite suitable. Who could have thought?"

I snicker. 

My brother and father come laughing through the door in company with my husband. I suddenly wonder how Vincent's relation with his own father and brother was, and can't recall that we have ever discussed that.

Oh well, we have time to go through that some other time. 

Vincent hugs me and even if my brother furrows his brows, he smiles at me. "Where is Aoleon?" he wants to know.

"She had stuff to go through with her mother, but she'll be back in a week or so."

"Her mother? Wasn't it your mother too?"

"No, my mother is sitting there on our couch," I claim assertive. "That won't change, and you don't have to fear that some other little or big brother will come and take me away." I smile at him, hoping that I am right about that.

He simply hugs me. "You were always so serious and sad when you were little, I am just..."

"I know, but that won't happen again, I have Vincent at my back." 

"I heard my name." Vincent kisses my neck and I squirm giggling. "I have more than your back dear."

"Get a room," Nick mumbles, mirth twinkling in his eyes.

"We have a room, but we weren't allowed to stay in there," Vincent defends himself with an innocent expression on his face. "You're just jealous, aren't you?"

"Yes. When is Aoleon coming back?"

I snicker at him. "I'm sure she'll get back to you before she gets in touch with me." That gets him smiling.

Eddie shows up at my side. "So, will it be a while until you come back to work?" She is not only my best friend; she is my boss as well.

"Sorry, I'll be handing in a pink slip."

"Yeah I figured."

"So I hope you will keep me as a friend despite that."           

"I'll always be your friend."

I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight. "Forever..." I mumble, knowing now that I will outlive her with a few years.

My mother hands over a little angry girl to me. "I think the little angel is hungry," she smiles.

I blink and smile at the unintentional pun. "Hello my little angel, How about we get out of here?" I suggest and is rewarded with a smile. Away from the buzzing livingroom we seek refuge in the armchair in her bedroom. As soon as we are skin to skin she hungrily seek nurture in the same way mothers and children have done since the beginning of time.

Our private moment is interrupted a short while later when Vincent pops in and sit on the armrest to be part of our family. Tears glisten in the corners of his eyes and soon my own water. "Thank you," he says softly. "I promise to always be here and protect you two."

I give him a smile. "I know you will... and I promise to always rescue you if you need to."

We snicker and our little Angelia smiles until she looses the suction and has to take a new grip. We'll be just fine.

Everything will work out.

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