A matter of trust

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"The Dark Stranger"
© VeGirl 2014

The next day I'm supposed to have a well earned sleep in, but I start to toss and turn bright and early. All I can think about is the man across the street, if he really is a man. Eddie is certain that he's a... No, I can't even think the word, and definitely not say it out loud.

People are people and nothing else.

Aggravated I get out of bed and walk up to the window closest to his house. All I see is what I always see; a rundown house, as empty as it has been for the last three years. Something between a sigh and a growl escape my lungs and I stomp over to the shower.

The entire time while water is streaming down my body, my mind is swarmed with thoughts. Why did this Vincent tell me to stay away from him, and why does he keep approaching me if he wants me to stay away? What kind of danger am I in anyway? And how weird was it that Esmeralda or what's-her-name, just showed up for me? Isn't it weird that Eddie couldn't see her? And was that a real conversation Esmeralda and I had that night or just a figment of my imagination like any other dream?

All this stuff is getting to me; I need somebody to talk to, but who would listen to this and not have me restrained?

I chew breakfast down fast and am still agitated afterwards, so I end up running like crazy on my treadmill, overlooking the forest behind my house, wishing I dared to run there again. Finally I ask myself; what kind of danger could happen during the day? If Vincent is a... whatever Eddie claims, he must be asleep during the day, I'm certain, and wouldn't his associates be sleeping as well then?

With a smug smile I turn the treadmill off, lock up the house and run out on the well known paths in the greenery. Finally I am able to calm down. The wind is rustling the crown of the trees softly and birds are chirping sweet. It is a soft, calm serenity and all the thoughts that have kidnapped my brain tone out.

I return to my house with a smile on my face and calmly I walk to the shower once again. I call Eddie to find out that she has headed for work after all, all is well with her and now all is well with me too.

* * *

For the next few days everything is great. Everybody at work is anxious to find out what happened in Vegas, but Eddie and I joke and say the famous annoying words.

"What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."

"Really funny!" Sarcasm is flowing from the curious co-workers.

"I just couldn't help myself." I chuckle, feeling really upbeat and... good. "We had a great time, there were inventive vendors and we got some really good ideas," I reveal and show them some photos I had been allowed to snap.

That week run by so incredible fast and soon it is Friday again.

"How about we'll meet at the fair for a night out tomorrow?" Eddie ask me and the other girls after work that Friday. We don't usually get to go out together like this, but we all have the night off, so why not? Even Mary manage to get a baby-sitter and it feels like a one time opportunity.

We decide to meet inside and first of all, I'm standing at the spot we agreed on, waiting for the others to show up. The park is so different at night; all the happy go lucky kids and their families head home and teenagers of different ages take their place. This spot is filled with happy people as usual and the scent of popcorn is pungent right here.

Suddenly I can feel something going on and the next second I know what it is, or more specific; who it is. I watch hypnotized how a familiar figure in black jeans and a black leather jacket saunter slowly and swiftly towards me. My body's reactions are ridiculous; my entire body is on full alert. I don't seem to be able to breathe properly, my pulse goes crazy and my stomach is in a knot.

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