Clues to freedom

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"The Dark Stranger" © VeGirl 2014

After having spent several days in hideout in Vincent's house where day and night has blurred together with our strange sleeping habits, we are all feeling trapped. I am basically climbing walls.

"But we have tested that spell several times now; you can go out in the sun," Esme sighs and waves her hand in a clear 'come hither' motion. "Trust me!"

"I have spent my entire life not trusting anyone, it is a hard habit to break Momba, especially when the outcome is death."

"What's with the Momba?" I ask again, annoyed that they have never answered.

Esme glare at me while Damian smirks. "Google it," she snap and walks away.

I roll my eyes. "How long do we have to keep hiding in here?" I ask Vincent who joins me in the shade of the afternoon sun on his patio. The swing buckles a little under his added weight and swings softly.

"I expect an answer from the others, but have heard nothing," he sighs. "I start to think that I am the only one capable of getting the truth out."

I sigh as well. "What are our theories?"

"Well... Aoleon is clearly in cahoots with somebody, possibly some kind of witch or warlock."

"So, we need to find out who that is?" Damian is suddenly showing interest in this. "Do you know another witch than Esme?"

Vincent sighs. "No." Suddenly there is a light in his eyes and his brows rise. "But I know somebody who might do." He starts to talk about the man in that dodgy store where we bought a wand for Esme.

"But he spoke Enochian... doesn't that indicate that he's an angel rather than a witch?"

"I said he might know a witch."

Oh yes, he actually did say that. I must pay more attention. I sigh. But wasn't he suspicious of me from the start? I tried to recall that memory, but so much had happened since then, that made it hard to separate anything into clues.

Vincent snickers and Damian looks annoyed. "What is it?" he demands to know.

I look surprised up at them.

"Her mind is working overtime."

Damian frowns. "So you read minds as well? Isn't that a little... Edward Cullen?" His tone is more than a little tart.

"You've seen that?"

"We have to check out anything that might blow our cover and everything seems to be about vampires lately." He purses his lips. "Sparkling," he snorts and leave us.

The smile lingers on my face for a while. "They seem to get along." I'm referring to our new dynamic duo; Esmeralda and Damian.

"Get along?" Vincent has his brows raised and his face sparkle with mischief. "They're like rabbits, constantly in the horizontal tango," he snickers.

"I heard that," Damian shouts from inside the house; making Vincent and I snicker.

My phone chimes and I slide it out of my pocket to find my friend's name in the display. "Eddie!" I yelp. "Are you okay?"

Laughter sift through my phone. "I think I better ask you; you're the one that's been on some trip with lover-boy for a week now."

I had forgotten work, would that reason due? "Yeah, we decided to stay another week. I kind of forgot to ask my boss."

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