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"The Dark Stranger" © VeGirl 2014

We return to my car and he swiftly and focused steer out of the city. Anyone who has been here, north of Phoenix, knows it is a rough area with lots of mountains and Vincent drives out into the wilderness. Not far from our houses he turns into what looks like a cave.

"Didn't you say we were meeting your friends?"

"Yes, this is the place." He keeps driving in the dark tunnel and I furrow my brows in confusion.

"Do these imaginary friends live in the mountain? Cavemen perhaps?"

All I get in return is a frown and then a wicked smile. "It is not far now."

After a short while there is a light in the other end of the tunnel and we are out in the open again. I look around as the scenery is so different than what I am used to. This is not part of the desert that surround our hometown. Here big trees grow, the ground is covered in moss and grass; not the red sandstone I'm used to.

He parks the car. "Are you ready?" he asks, before he exits the car. I just look weirdly at him but get out as well.

"Where are we?"

"We're on our way home; we just got to give the folks a heads up." He takes my hand and I trot along after him, while looking around to study the changed nature.

An old wooden door, matching the age of the old granite walls that appears to being built straight into the mountain wall and we stop for a moment.

"What is this?"

He gives me a light kiss and I watch with wide eyes through the door he holds open for me. Inside there is a big room, with several paths leading from it in different directions. It reminds me of a castle. Amazed I notice that the thing lighting up our way is burning candles in wrought iron holders, mounted on the wall.

He looks like he is debating about how much to tell me before I snap. "Long before they built this town, there was a monastary here."

"A monastery, like with monks in?" I ask confused and he simply nods before he continues his story.

"The monastary was built on a sacred place where the native Americans used to sacrifice to their Gods."

I just furrow my brows. "A special place..." I deduce.

"A very special and mystical place, yes." He leads me along the corridor. "Can you remember the monastary? I used to work there when I lived."

"When you lived?" I don't understand.

"Yes, I mean when I was still human." He smile at my shocked expression as I think about the non-human part. I wonder what the heck he is. I have already figured out that he is no ordinary boy next door.

At the end of that corridor a wide space opens up, with a grand staircase, like the ones in old movies with curved handrails.

I glance at him, but he just smiles. "Come, let's meet people."


He smiles and lead me up the stair where a girl comes walking toward us and her eyes widen when they fix on me. Her mouth falls open and she gasps. "It's you, it really is you?" she breathes and I look confused at Vincent who smiles and nod at the girl. She instantly falls on her knees in front of me, trying to grab my hands and kiss them. Startled, I pull them from her grip and snake my arm in under Vincent's.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you miss," the girl rambles.

"That's fine," I say confused, as she looks scared that she has done something wrong.

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