8:Group Up

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Beomgyu POV:
"Beomgyu.." I heard someone call my name. I groaned over exhaustion and whined at the voice, asking it to leave me alone. "How dare you whine at me?! Wake up you pabo!" I stood up on the bed, my eyes still shut, not wanting the bright sunlight to blind my eyes. "Who is it?". "It's me, your hyung. Yeonjun hyung. We gotta start getting ready for the mission Beomie, so WAKE UP!" I was suddenly pushed off of my bed and fell onto the hard marble floor. I winced over the pain on my butt while Yeonjun hyung walked out of my room with an annoyed expression plastered on his face. I walked into m small bathroom and got ready.

I put on my suit and quickly headed downstairs to the kitchen. Soobin hyung was sitting down at the dining table, who I'm assuming is eating a handful of bread for breakfast. Again... Yeonjun hyung was preparing breakfast. With his suit on?! Not the best decision but.. his choice. "Morning Soobin hyung." I greeted him while sitting down in front of him. Soobin hyungs mouth was full so he simply muffled out a simple "mforniww" I chuckled at my hyungs funny response but was suddenly stopped by a hand hitting the back of my head. "Ow!" I winced at the pain and turned around to see Yeonjun hyung with three plates filled with breakfast delights. Yeonjun hyung placed the breakfast in front of me and Soobin hyung. I smiled widely as the rays of eggs and bacon fume the entire room. I started to shove my breakfast into my mouth as Yeonjun hyung sighs over my miss behavior. I'm sorry for being too impolite MOM! "What time is it hyung?" Soobin hyung asked Yeonjun hyung. Yeonjun hyung looked down at his watch and replied to the question " 8.35" my eyes widened at the response "8.35?!" Both of the hyungs stared at me questioned as I sat there shocked over myself. "Yeah, why?" Yeonjun hyung asked me slightly confused. "I was able to wake up at 8.00?! I usually wake up at 10?" I was shocked and you could say a bit proud of my capabilities. Yeonjunnie hyung sighed as he looked at me like I was a pile of dirty laundry. "I was actually shocked as well, I actually thought I had to carry you to headquarters today, but I guess I didn't need to." I rolled my eyes at Yeonjun hyung. We finished eating our breakfast and started to head to the car. On the way to headquarters.

Time skipue~~~ (after ze car RiDe)
"Hey, kiddos! How was last night?" Jin hyung came walking right to us with Namjoon hyung by his side. Obviously.. Jin hyung went in and hugged me by my side. I smiled and hugged him back "hey Jin hyung, last night was great! We got to talk to the maknaes and boost our motivation for this mission." Namjoon hyung looked down at his watched and groaned annoyingly. Yeonjun hyung noticed this and questioned Namjoon hyung "Are you alright Namjoon hyung? Is something wrong?" Namjoon hyung looked at the three of us and sighed "It's nothing Yeonjunnie, it's just that, the allies are supposed to be here any second and the rest of your hyungs are NOWHERE to be seen!" Namjoon hyung complained annoyingly. Magically, just as Namjoon hyung finishes his rant, two figures appear behind Namjoon hyung. It was Yoongi and Hoseok hyung. They stopped by their tracks and quickly gasped for air. "Sorry... W..we're... late.." Soobin hyung held Yoongi hyung as if Yoongi hyung was about to pass out any second. "You should take a breather Yoongi hyung." Soobin hyung advised. Yoongi hyung calmed down for a second before telling us where they were. "We were busy finding the official documents for today's meeting." Hoseok hyung was holding a file filled with documents and papers. "Are they on their way Namjoon hyung?" I asked, excited. I have no idea why tho. "They told me they were close by." Namjoon hyungs words are literally filled with magic today, as soon as he said those 6 words, a black van was spotted driving to us. They parked their vehicle and exited the van one by one.

Yup. There they were, in all their glory:

The fearsome secret underground league that rumors say can kill with just a single stare. We've worked with them before, but not often. We've actually grown fond of the members in ATEEZ. Especially Yeonjun hyung, two of the members in ATEEZ have been friends with Yeonjun hyung ever since their secret training days. Namjoon hyung walked to the leader of ATEEZ, Kim Hongjoong. I kept my composure to hold back my laughter over the situation. You see, Namjoon hyung was basically 183, and Kim Hongjoong was like what? 175? To him, Namjoon hyung was a skyscraper. Soobin hyung hit me by the shoulder, signaling me to stay silent. I rolled my eyes as I saw the rest of the members line up in front of us one by one. Namjoon hyung shook Hongjoong hyungs hand and greeted him warmly. "Nice to see you again Hoongjoongie." "Same goes to you to Namjoon hyung." Hongjoong hyung warmly smiled. We pushed the formality aside as each and every one of us went in to hug all the members.
I went in and hugged Jongho because we were technically the same age, so we bonded easier. "How've you been apple destroyer?" I teased as the strong maknae shrugged at my teasing. "Not much, how bout you? Still a lunatic?" He teased back at me. I gasped at his joke as they both ended up laughing at each other teasing. Yeonjun hyung was hugging two people apparently, it looked to me as if it was none other than his trainee friends, Wooyung and Yeosang hyung. They seemed to really miss each other.
I overheard their conversation and listened to how much they missed one another. "Yeonjun! How are you?" Yeonjun hyung shrugged off his friend's question "No need to be so formal Wooyoung, I missed you too." He chuckled. The three of them hugged one another tightly, filling up the void of how much they haven't seen each other after years. Wooyoung was more of an open person, the opposite of his bestie, Kang Yeosang. "How are you doing Yeosangie?"Yeonjun hyung asked in particular. Yeosang hyung shrugged off the question and smiled, "I'm doing just fine Yeonjunnie." All 5 of us finally went into headquarters and headed to the meeting room to discuss the mission.
Time skipue(in the middle of the meeting)
Yeonjun POV:
We were able to explain to the ATEEZ members who Min Hwa is and what she has done. All 8 of them were obviously pissed at Min Hwa. One, because Min Hwa is planning to attack BTS and TXT. Two is because Min Hwa has the AUDACITY to hurt our precious Kai. I mean they're not wrong. We are pissed for Kai. Namjoon hyung stood up from his seat and questioned "So... how do we stop Min Hwa?" Everyone including me was thinking of ways to stop Min Hwa. The first thing we needed to think of was not how to stop Min Hwa, but where to find her.
I raised my hand to give out my idea and Namjoon hyung noticed it. "Yes, Yeonjun?" I lowered my hand as everyone turned their view to look at me. I've been in meetings a lot of times... But the stares of people during meetings always pressure me. "Why don't we try to figure out Min Hwa's hiding spot first?" Everyone agrees with my statement as I slowly sat back down on my seat, sighing in relief. "What do we have right now that can help us with the location of Min Hwa." Beomgyu stood up from his seat with a bunch of papers in his hands, answering Namjoon hyungs question. "The only clue we got to finding Min Hwa and Jungkook hyung are the coordinates you guys found in the gym. Other than that, were empty-handed." Namjoon hyung nodded understanding and advised Beomgyu to sit back down. Namjoon hyung dazed out for a few seconds, thinking of ways to find Min Hwa without causing any sort of negative outcome.
"Why don't we go there?" Everyone turned around to face Hongjoong who might I say, was giving out quite the poker face. Namjoon hyung raised an eyebrow being the sassy leader he is. "Go where, exactly?" The air around us thickened as the situation around us got more and more intense. "The location where the coordinates are, we should at least see if their real or fake coordinates." The room was silent as the two leaders discussed like two lions fighting for dominance. "What's the backup plan if the coordinates are fake? Those coordinates are all we have Joong." Hoongjoong chuckled and quickly looked back in the direction of Namjoon hyung this time, with a more confident glare. "And that gives us another reason why we SHOULD go to those exact coordinates." Namjoon hyung didn't want to admit it, but it sure was a plan. "And if we fail?" Hoongjoong signaled Yunho to stand up and tell us what he's capable of doing. "I'm a pro hacker, I might be able to track down Min Hwa's hideout." Namjoon hyung glared at Yunho which made Yunho freeze in fear. "I understand that hacking might take weeks to do, especially since we do not know where she is actually..."Everyone froze as Namjoon hyung sat there in the middle of the meeting table, thinking.

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