Jungkook | Kidnapped pt.3

Start from the beginning

The screaming was… it…


Jimin! Jimin was screaming at him from the seats. Someone had a hold of him, restraining him as he struggled. The offender in question wore a black mask and beanie, paired with all black attire and a suspicious lump in his… no…

It can't be.

There was wind howling behind him. He turned. Seokjin! He choked out,

"H-hyungie-" and tried to stand. He couldn't move his arms. His arms were in agony. The cables dug into his skin as they tightened around him and the chair, preventing him from saving his hyungs. Seokjin was being held back by… How did she find them?

"Leave him be!" Seokjin screamed to him. Jungkook looked back at Jimin, who was struggling to slip from the man's hold. He turned back to Jin.

"Leave him be!"

Jungkook looked tearfully at the girl.

"How… did you f-find us?" The girl cackled loudly as she produced a knife and plunged it into Seokjin's thigh. Seokjin screamed in agony as he fell to his knees, the girl kneeling over his helpless body. Jungkook felt a white-hot burning feeling in his thigh, right where Seokjin had been stabbed. Another cry of pain called out for Jungkook's attention. As he turned and saw the man throw Jimin to the ground and stand on his shoulder, he felt an immense pain in his own shoulder.

"Stop! Stop it! No more!" Jungkook screeched as the wind became too loud to hear anything else. The chair vanished from beneath him and he was falling, falling backwards-

Jimin was the first to run to Jungkook, who continued, despite his injuries, to writhe around under the thin blanket. There was a clear sheen of sweat on the younger's skin, illuminating him in the soft street-lamp glow from the window.

"Jungkookie?" Jimin asked softly. Jungkook whimpered weakly, almost too quiet to hear,

"H-hyung?" Jimin brushed a hand through his hair. Jungkook whined as he threw his head back and squirmed in his place.

"Kookie, it's just a dream, it-" Jungkook cut him off as he screamed in terror. He didn't wake up even as he screamed and screamed, writhing around on the bed, pulling on his own clothes and clenching his fists. Jimin laid both hands on either side of the younger's head, trying to get him to wake up as he yelled,


Seokjin took Jimin's hands away, saying softly,

"We shouldn't wake him, he has to wake up naturally or he'll-"

"Hyungie?" Jungkook whined highly, digging his head into the pillows. Jimin sobbed as he tried to shake Jungkook awake, but it was difficult to avoid his injuries. Seokjin pulled Jimin away, yelling,

"Leave him be!"

"But hyung, he's-"

"Leave him be!"

Jungkook cried out as tears poured from his eyes, streaming sideways down his face. He mumbled almost incoherently,

"How… did you- f-find us?" Even Seokjin found it hard to not wake him up, but he knew that waking him up abruptly would stress him out more.

"Hyung-" Jimin began, but Jungkook screamed, drowning out the elder,

"Stop! Stop it! No more!" Seokjin gave up on letting him wake up by himself; he had to get Jungkook out of his own mind. He gave Jimin a look and then put his hands on any uninjured part of Jungkook, screaming his name. Jungkook gasped as if he was emerging from deep waters, almost choking on his own spit, but thank God, the boy was awake.

He kept panting and spluttering as he curled up on the bed. Jimin asked fearfully,

"Jungkook? Jungkook, it's hyung,"

Jungkook whimpered and then just completely broke down. Jimin sat on the bed beside him and rubbed his back.

"Jungkook, it's okay, it was a dream,"

"Hyungie!" Jungkook whined, holding as tightly as he could onto Jimin. Jimin reassured him in a soft voice. Seokjin left to go and get a glass of water for him, knowing that the boy was probably dehydrated. On the way back upstairs, Seokjin saw the headlights of their car out of the window in the landing hall. He rushed upstairs and handed the glass to Jimin, who was letting Jungkook hold his hands as tightly as he could as he cried loudly.

As he was heading out of the room, Jimin asked,

"Aren't you gonna help him?" Jin answered quickly,

"The others are here I've gotta explain,"

Seokjin ran downstairs and opened the front door just as Yoongi was about to put the key in the lock. He said plainly,

"It's worse than any of you think, okay? Just don't freak out when you see him, please. He's pretty jumpy,"

The others nodded with fear in their eyes. Seokjin was about to lead them upstairs, and then hesitated and turned back.

"Probably best if we don't overcrowd him."

Seokjin went back upstairs with Yoongi only. They opened the door to the bedroom again and saw that Jungkook and Jimin were missing. Seokjin stayed and made the bed a bit nicer, since the duvet was now on the floor. Yoongi ventured to the other rooms to find the two of them, but then heard retching from the bathroom.

He opened the door and found Jungkook gripping onto the toilet and puking his guts out into it, and Jimin kneeling beside him crying. Yoongi was taken aback.


"I didn't mean to! I was trying to get him to drink some water and he just-"

Yoongi took over from Jimin. Jungkook retched loudly and his body pitched forward. Yoongi rubbed his back as the boy spat out more watery vomit into the toilet.
"You'll be okay."

Jungkook gasped for air as he began to feel lightheaded. Yoongi picked him up bridal style and took him back to the bedroom, laying him on the new, clean sheets. Jungkook fell asleep almost instantly. He needed the rest if he was ever gonna get better.

I hate this chapter now so that's it, sorry everyone who was counting on me for a good chapter but I've lost my shit so many times over writing this well

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