10 / / May 22, 2012

59 9 2




“You didn’t come. You fucking didn’t come. You lied! Why, Luke — why?”

“Wait — Leah. What”


“I thought you promised me you would come and that you wouldn’t forget about it”


“Of course I wouldn’t forget about it! You’re one of the best things that happened in my life”


“So why didn’t you show up? Luke, do you know how embarrassing it is to wait at a public place — like a restaurant — for a person that wouldn’t come after all?”


“But I couldn’t possibly have forgetter about it. Maybe I just got busy or something got in the way”


“Just tell the fucking truth that you forgot about me — I can handle that you piece of information better.”




“Fuck you, Luke Hemmings, for making me hope and put my faith on things that have no substantial evidence that they would really happen and obviously wouldn’t work out in the end.”


“Listen, Leah — out of all those days that you’ve suddenly disappeared because I was stupid on what I had told you — do you think I could bear disappointing you again? I’ve told you already that you’re one of the best things that happened in my life, and I can’t take it if you get less than what you deserve.”


“So why didn’t you show up, Luke? You coming in from those doors and sitting opposite me on the table that you reserved for us — that was what I deserved. Why didn’t I get that, Luke?”


“I wish I know what I was doing two years ahead, Leah, and I would tell you and meanwhile, slap myself for missing on a completely perfect time to finally meet you in person once again. Please believe me — you know I would never forget about you, Leah. Nobody will forget you once they’ve met you. And I know that maybe, we haven’t really met in person in the status and minds that we have now but I have enough proof of what kind of person that you are through the words that you write to me. And believe me when that you are worth everything and maybe I’ve just become stupid and reckless in the future — but I wouldn’t forget about you, Leah. Get that? I wouldn’t. Not in a million years.”


“But you showing up are all that I wanted, Luke. Nothing more. Nothing less. You just showing up and making sure that the promise you made came true is enough for me — and then we’d let the night wander on to what it brings us to. But none of those things even became true.

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