19 // 2013

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   Soon, they released a single which immediately had taken the interest of people. Luke would sometimes hear the song play whenever he turned on the radio inside his car when he felt like driving around the city alone. And when they released a music video for it a few weeks later, it was a global smash hit — a song that was both categorized under “poetically written” (according to a few tweets he’d read and Facebook posts he’d come across by) and the “last song syndrome” type.

   They started doing bigger gigs, playing for larger crowds with the live versions of the songs they’ve written together and some song covers. It had always been amazing and fun how fast things went, since they didn’t have a clear fan base (they only posted random videos on YouTube with them working on new stuff and doing sneak peeks for some songs) but things have been going on fine.

   Summer that year, they released their debut album which was immediately followed by a couple of shows around America. The album went on the charts and tickets were sold out. Things have been going well for 5 Seconds of Summer.

   Yet, still, Luke couldn’t help but think this whole thing was merely a dream and he’d someday wake up. Sometimes, he woke up and would pinch himself to make sure everything is real. And when he gets back to sleep, his mind would immediately redirect back to her and sometimes, he ends up not having proper sleep.

   The boys could see it but Luke didn’t want to make an issue of it with them, so he kept it to himself. But inside, he knew that they knew he was still dreaming about the girl in the songs he wrote, Leah Hoffman.

Maps || l.h. auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora