Chapter 8: I Forgive You

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SSB Chapter 8

"Oh god, Bob," His inert body is lying across the floor. "You are so stupid. Getting yourself drunk over me? Idiot."

A second later, the kiss plays in my mind. Even though he was drunk, he didn't give that impression, as if the sober Bob had come out during the kiss.

My lips tingle a bit and I can't stop smiling. I want to kiss him more. I want to hug him more. I want to be with him more than ever now... But should I even consider him?

Even though he isn't a killer, he is still a criminal. What would everyone in this town think if I started dating a frequent jail visitor? What would my parents think? Oh god, I would be an outcast too! And in this new town?The town where I wanted to start my new life?

My brain hurts from trying to figure out how this would work, so I decide to let things play out and see what would happen. I hear Bob groan in his sleep. He starts to move around, trying to get comfortable.

"Awwwww! Bob, you are so cute!" I quickly slap my hand across my lips in hope that he didn't hear me. He's still lying down and doesn't respond, so I guess he's still sleeping. I take advantage of this and play with his hair as I speak.

"You know what Bob? I'd carry you to your bed, but you're way too heavy. Not FAT heavy, just... People heavy, you know?... Oh, you poor thing. Your head is gonna hurt like hell when you wake up, huh?"

He starts moving again and ends up with his head in my lap. I'm a bit shocked.

"Are you faking, Bob?" When he doesn't answer, I laugh. "Fine, you can stay. You're lucky I'm just a bit in love with you."

I'm very exhausted from today and really want to go home, but at the same time, I just can't leave him. He's snuggling up to me and acting all cute! But I can't stay here all night, unfortunately.

I take his head off my lap and set it gently set it on the floor, putting a pillow under his head. I write him a note and look for a place to put it. While looking, I find my other notes sitting on his desk. (He kept them?) I smile and decide to leave the note in his hand.


I start to wake up in my bed, inside my box fort. It's Saturday and I have no jobs! I'm going to relax like there's no... Oh... Right. I have to check on Bob. I get ready, eat a burrito and walk out.

As I stand in front of his door, I start to have second thoughts.

What if he doesn't want to see me? How awkward will this be? Does he remember that I told him I was in love with him? Does he remember our kiss? (Uhhh, maybe I should just go out today... I'm not sure if I can face him.)

I start to leave... But then realize that I have to face him. We still have to talk. I gently knock on his door (he could be dealing with a hangover right now.

"Bob! Are you home." He doesn't answer. I knock a bit harder this time and I get freaked out when the door starts to open.

He looks exhausted and in pain. His hair looks deflated and he is holding his head with his hand, probably trying to ease his headache. His eyes are glassy and he is still in his clothes from yesterday.

"Why are you being so loud?" He groans, rubbing his head.

"Aw, I'm sorry, but you didn't answer the door at first."

There is an awkward silence. He has a pang of pain in his head. I can tell because of his groan and grimace. "Aw, you poor thing." I reach up with both my hands and massage his head. "Am I helping?"

As he smiles at me, I feel his arms go around my back and pull me closer. I gasp and start to blush.

"Yes, I feel so much better now." He replies, winking. I giggle and bite my lips.

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